project reality header
Monthly Funding:
100.19 / 250$


Project Reality is a non-commercial project. None of us earn a cent working on this. But we still have recurring costs to cover: Developing the mod requires server infrastructure, as does hosting all online services including this homepage. As we have to pay for this out of our own pockets, we greatly appreciate any help in covering these costs.

All donations received will exclusively be used to help cover above-mentioned costs.

As we do not sell anything, there's noting you can buy, except ours and the whole community's gratitude. However, we do grant any donator a bit of increased visibility on the forums by adding you as a "Supporting member" and highlighting your forum account with a special forum rank.

NOTE: Paypal deducts a fee from any transaction we receive via the donate button. As this includes a fixed fee component (about 50 cents), very small donations end up being gobbled up by Paypal.
To circumvent fees entirely, you can send donations using the friends&family functions (which has zero fees associated), but Paypal allows no easy way to embed this on a website. Make sure to include "User: YOURFORUMUSERNAME" in the message to get the donation associated to your forum account.
Alternatively, feel free to gather up for single larger donations instead of multiple small transactions.