Project Reality can be installed with our official installer. To download the installer you can either use the official torrent, the PR Download Assistant Tool(Uses Torrent protocol as well) or one of the direct download HTTPS mirrors.
In order to download the Torrent file if you choose that option, you must have a BitTorrent client installed on your computer. We recommend using qBittorrent.
It is highly recommended that you download all Project Reality modifications direct though the torrents to avoid corrupt downloads. But make sure this isn't blocked by your Internet Service Provider cause in that case you should use the direct download HTTPS mirrors.
Project Reality: BF2 is a standalone install that does not require an existing Battlefield 2 installation
Full Client
PR:BF2 v1.8.0.0 Full

The PR:BF2 v1.8.0.0 can be retrieved and installed through the official Download Assistant tool or direct Torrent download/HTTP download which contains the standalone installer.
April 01, 2023
Release Date:
Windows 10+ with .NET 4.7.2
Standalone Install
Install Type:
File Name:
12.39 GB
File Size:
Server Files
Server (Server Admins Only)
Player Manual
We will only accept direct downloads for all other hosts.
If you can provide such a link, contact us.