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Old 2023-04-07, 23:37   #1
Default Playing PR while drunk high etc

Have you ever played pr or videogames in general while intoxicated on a substance? I've played this game while high on weed and all drunk. Drunk videogaming is fun. You feel so loose. I really like drunk driving high speed cars in racing games. Same with drunk drivebys in techies or humvees. You feel so good. Like in a walking dream state for me. Weed is the worst for me. i know it calms some people down. But for me weed makes my brain turbo charged like its overclocked to 150% and it burns out my synapses. I cant stand weed. It negatively impacts me and interferes with me in my personal life. I dont wanna end up a burned out weed smoker. I had a friend who smoked weed nonstop through high school and he fried his brain so much that last I spoke to him he says that he needs weed to feel like his old self. I dont want that to happen to me so I stay away from weed and other psychedelics and hallucinogens. I did try harder stuff but it's all contaminated with fent now and I have no tolerance for the stuff and I dont wanna die from a fent overdose.

PS Im drunk now. I'm on my third 24oz can in an hour. I still got three more cans to go. I'm just begining to feel the buzz.
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Old 2023-04-08, 15:54   #2
Default Re: Playing PR while drunk high etc

Playing video games drunk makes you bad, you can legit get scared playing high like in csgo being the last one alive and waiting for a full team gets your heart pumping. I almost want to have some adderall just to pop one every once and awhile for when I need to get good lol
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Old 2023-04-08, 18:04   #3
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Default Re: Playing PR while drunk high etc

i once got MVP in 3 matches in a row in CSGO while drunk

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Old 2023-04-08, 18:27   #4
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Default Re: Playing PR while drunk high etc

Drunk PR is kinda peak PR, not gonna lie

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Old 2023-04-08, 18:40   #5
Default Re: Playing PR while drunk high etc

Originally Posted by BigBigMonkeyMan View Post
Drunk PR is kinda peak PR, not gonna lie
This man understands. Drunk gaming is best gaming. Fuck the hangovers though. You ever drink 4 loco back when it had caffeine and all that energy drink shit and play cod or bf2 or pr? Shit was the bomb. I used to drink four loco and go to the arcade to play driving games. Best drunk driving simulator ever. Dont drink and drive in real life though. Unless you're on a private track or something and dont mind dying.
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Old 2023-04-08, 18:45   #6
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Default Re: Playing PR while drunk high etc

I don't like what intoxicants do to people's behaviour on online gaming, or IRL for that matter, but maybe it's just me. Not saying that you shouldn't do that, though. What ever floats your boat.
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Old 2023-04-08, 19:02   #7
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Default Re: Playing PR while drunk high etc

Originally Posted by dcm View Post
It negatively impacts me and interferes with me in my personal life. I dont wanna end up a burned out weed smoker. I had a friend who smoked weed nonstop through high school and he fried his brain so much that last I spoke to him he says that he needs weed to feel like his old self.
This is a subject I am particularly educated in, having been an indoor horticulturist of weed for around 20 years, and having studied horticultural science in college with a focus on tomatoes and peppers (which includes the family of plants that weed is from). Weed can affect everyone differently. Our bodies process THC via specific cannabinoid receptors after this is first introduced to our bodies which can vary between individuals on how it works on our mind and body. On top of that, there are several active chemicals in weed in addition to delta-8 and -9 THC to comprise a spectrum which can vary between individual strains and the growing conditions which will effect the overall potency of these combinations.

That being said, like most things we imbibe, humans will develop a tolerance to a degree with frequent use. This is naturally mitigated through the use of different strains, and in fact, it's not always easy or possible to consistently acquire the exact same strain even in places like Oregon where it is legal along the same lines as alcohol (21 and over, and never while driving).

My story:
I am a disabled American (started in my late 20's), and I refuse to take the pain pills I am prescribed unless I am going into or coming out of another surgery because they are essentially heroin - very bad stuff. While they DO work on pain, they have a host of side-effects from nausea to real addiction, and so I consider it an unsustainable way to live with a disability related to pain. Even though it wears a Red Cross, chasing that dragon's tail is akin to straight up drug use.

Instead, I use ice packs, physical therapy, rest, and lots of weed. In 2010, I was a beer drinker, more self-medication to not feel pain, but I allowed myself to buy a 6-pack of tall boys (16oz) nearly daily. 5.9% Milwaukee's Beast, nearly malt-liquor levels of alcohol content. That's like the better part of a gallon of beer per day. I got into Arma 2 scripting and learning a bit about variables and logic and flow control, but it was all very confusing and I was constantly testing and correcting mistakes and testing...

Only when I finally realized how unsustainable getting drunk was every day, dealing with hangovers and headaches so frequently it got old, and when I'd finish a 6-pack and walk to the corner store for one more 24oz beer, did I truly realized there was a problem. On top of that, when I decided to stop, for the next few days like a robot, I found myself capitulating and buying that 6-pack anyway. Once I finally stopped doing that, within a few months, I felt like John Travolta's character in Phenomenon - all of a sudden I was smart. And I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, but I am stating a fact: I was straight up dumb when I was drinking regularly (even days I didn't drink anything), and only once that stopped and my body had time to recover, did I find I could do pretty much anything that was formerly confusing or "above my head".

I started getting serious about programming and put myself through several online courses since 2015, never once running into those old mental blocks that prevented me from comprehending this complicated logic and syntax of languages from HTML/CSS to JS/PHP, several scripting languages, and finally and C# languages.

I smoke weed everyday and along with dedicated activities (typically complex coding and programming, or even wargaming), it distracts me sufficiently from the pain I wake up with and deal with throughout the day, even when simply reaching for my coffee or typing for extended periods. Over 20+ years, I have gone through several hundred hits of pure liquid LSD and even mushrooms (also now legal in Oregon) always while camping alone in the Cascades, and have never felt "burned out" by anything but extended work on some programming project that ran into overtime, or hard physical labor. Our individual motivations, will power, and personality are all additional factors that come into play - not everyone who smokes weed daily is a dumb pot-smoking burnout. Though most people who regularly consume large amounts of alcohol are not as smart as they could be in my personal experience.


TLDNR; How weed affects us is subjective, is not synonymous with being dumb or "burned out", and also depends on the individual strain and the potency of that product of that strain. Alcohol, on the other hand, is poison. We are slightly poisoning our body. The brain has the ability to create new brain cells, a process known as neurogenesis. Moderate alcohol consumption may actually promote neurogenesis in certain regions of the brain, but heavy and chronic alcohol use can interfere with this process and lead to brain damage. There is no known brain "damage" similarly occurring through extensive weed use, through it absolutely does effect our brains in many ways over the long term - but a lot of this can be identified and mitigated. Personally, it affects my short-term memory, so I make extensive use of notes relating to coding projects I'm working on, or issues I need to handle at our VG clan online. Additionally, weed is not addictive, and so immediate cessation will not produce health risks. For me, it is truly the lesser of "three" evils (pills, booze, weed).

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Last edited by SemlerPDX; 2023-04-08 at 19:51.. Reason: typo
Old 2023-04-08, 21:01   #8
Default Re: Playing PR while drunk high etc

Originally Posted by SemlerPDX View Post
I still aint smoking that shit. I've seen way too many people become burned out pot heads, cripplingly addicted to the stuff. Unable to function without a daily puff or two of their joint.

There's a personally type I noticed that's attracted to weed and other mind altering substances. They're slow thinkers. Not stupid! Just slow thinkers. They need weed to boost their brain clockcycles to keep up with the rest of us. Where as people like myself, men who think and act very fast and are hyper and sometimes paranoid for lack of a better term. Can barely tolerate any mind altering substances. That make our brains even more hyper(I also detest Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs because they make me feel floaty and unreal, like nothing matters and that consequences aren't real. Fuck that evil shit!). When I do anything that fucks with my mind like weed. My head hurts. It feels like my brain is overheating and I need a cold shower or something to cool myself down.

People like me who detest weed also have a predisposition for alcohol. I believe because it slows us down, and makes us more loose. The only thing I hate about alcohol are the hangovers. It also makes my head hurt but in a completely different way than weed does. Less hyper, but more explody. It's funny how most of the habitual weed smokers that I've met and spoken to at any great lengths, either detest booze or drink it only at social events.

Also weed smells to me. Real fucking bad. Some people say like skunk. To me weed smells like a crematorium. Like lower Manhattan the day of 9/11. I was there when it happened. I still remember the smell of burned bodies, cinder, tar and ash. Revolting and Disgusting. No wonder some people call marijuana the cannibal's plant. Now that weed's pretty much legal in new york the whole damn city smells like a giant fucking corpse to me. Now I understand why the first weed bans were said to be because of the smell. The latter weed bans were because of it's familial association with hemp and newspaper magnates not wanting to lose their paper mill monopolies.

P.S. I've tried other drugs too. Tobacco and Nicotine is fucking disgusting. Nicotine especially so, it makes my throat hurt. I used to vape and I could only tolerate nicotine in vape format. Cigars are less offensive to me than cigarettes for some reason. Cocaine was nice. But it's all contaminated with fentanyl and I dont want to accidentally OD. Never did anything with needles. Cause fuck that shit.

P.S.S. I believe that I am the pretty much the exact opposite of you. I'm not good with computers or thinking that programming and scripting skills require. I'm more of a physical kind of guy. Hard logic and such. Alcohol takes me out of my self. In more ways than one. It removes my inhibitions and slows me thinking down. It makes me more open and sociable to people. But sometimes I reach a point when I'm drunk, right below blackout drunk, I reach asshole drunk. I become a real asshole to people. Especially those who've done something to piss me off. That's when I know I have to stop drinking or at least temper it somewhat. Yeah beer makes me dumber. But sometimes it's nice to be dumb. It's fun to have no limiters. For me being drunk is like having the voice in my head that tells me how to act properly, go take a nap and let the body have it's fun. It's weird. I know when I'm drunk and I still do the wrong action. I like it though. It's so much fun. I heard that programmers like to microdose shrooms throughout the day. I tried that once. Awful fucking headache.

I do agree with your point on painkillers. I dont mess with that stuff. I heard horror stories of people becoming heroin addicts after going on opioids for minor injuries. I took pain pills a few times. I hated the feeling. It did not take me out of pain. It gave me a similar feeling that anti depressants and weight loss drugs did. I turned to alcohol to cope with the pain and it worked wonderfully for me. Yes my thinking was 'retarded' (Not a slur! I'm using it in the proper scientific way). But so was my ability to feel pain. Like one time somebody slammed a heavy wooden door on my fingers. And I drank the pain away.

And yes. I'm into my third beer already. 24 oz can of cheap beer with 5% alcohol content.
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Last edited by dcm; 2023-04-08 at 22:22..
Old 2023-04-09, 06:10   #9
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Default Re: Playing PR while drunk high etc

I appreciate this open forum to talk about these things. I trust many PR players more than many people I have met IRL. I met CarlWeathers (legendary PR player) IRL and he was exactly how I thought he would be. PR is a useful social tool and can be used to overcome personal struggles of literally any kind. As David Simone, creator of "The Wire" said, "the greatest lie told to the American (Western) people is that if you are smart or cunning enough, keep your head down and work, you will be rich and successful beyond your wildest dreams." Distrust of others in the neo-liberal world is inherent because we must always compete with others to be rich or succesful. In PR we compete with other players, but then the next round we play with them. Stress is built into Western society and we rely on substances to overcome this, but if we allow ourselves to work as a team and embrace our evolutionary tendencies, we can view the world as we should and no longer need substances. Alcohol does make us more sociable, but it also has negative health effects that I personally try to avoid by only getting a buzz and maintaining that in certain social situations, like PR. Talk to me next time you see me in game.

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Old 2023-04-23, 16:40   #10
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Default Re: Playing PR while drunk high etc

Originally Posted by dcm View Post
Have you ever played pr or videogames in general while intoxicated?
No. Never.

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