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Old 2011-11-07, 07:23   #1
PR Tournament Management
Default PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

This guide is a WIP so it might be updated if something else comes to mind. I have plenty more but not all is for the general public.

The guide provides some tips and tricks based on my personal opinions and experience. You might have different ones or not agree with my own. However, think twice before you post/criticize and only do it if in a constructive way.

Images made with the help of some 3dAC members and video made with the help of Silly_Karo. My thanks to both.

- Step 1 - Visual Situation Awareness:

* Avoid focusing too much on one single angle or distance (Tunnel Vision).
* On the move 90 Angle of Coverage aka Short Angle (Between 3 Directions: Ex. From NW to NE).
* Stationary 180 Angle of Coverage aka Wide Angle (Between 5 Directions: Ex. From N to S - Often Overlapping with other squad members Wide Angles).
* Angle Vulnerability: Analyzing the danger level of certain angles based on the amount of cover/firing advantage that they may provide to the enemy.
* Reduced Vulnerability: The use of objects as obstacles between a danger angle and your stationary position (360? check) or path, to provide cover/concealment.
* Reduced Angles: Sometimes having less angles of view (doesn't necessarily mean less Situation Awareness) but more cover, can be an advantage. Let the enemy come to you and be surprised.

- Step 2 - Audio Situation Awareness:

* If possible use a sound-card and headset (With Adjustable Volume) with 3D surround (Front/Rear/Center) and Enable EAX.
* Raise the volume of sound effects as much as possible.
* Lower the volume of of Voip/Mumble/TS as much as possible.
* Set keybinds to Raise and Lower the volume for Mumble/TS.
* Set Keybinds to Mute/Unmute/Change Channel on Mumble/TS.
* Reduce Comms to a Minimum
* Sound Checks! Stop Moving / Shut Down Engine from time to time to be able to hear your surroundings and predict enemy movements (Also reduces the rush).

- Step 3 - Communication Tips & Protocols:

* Use push to talk! Nothing is more annoying and disturbing than your mic activating when your dog barks or your phone rings.
* Keep It Simple and Short! Use common terms and remove unnecessary words from phrases to reduce their length.
* Think what you're going to say before you start transmitting! It reduces the length of Comms.
* Stop rambling/whining when shot/fail or random conversations.
* Improve your selection of intel priority/importance (What gets transmitted first/last or shouldn't get transmitted).
* STANDBY / COMMS = Shut the F*ck Up - Your SL needs silence to be able to talk to the CO/Other SLs and some players do rely on silence to be more effective.
* Channel Clear = You can talk again. During a Standby you can use pre-set TS whispers to talk to your squad members (except the SL) if you're using a fixed squad.
* Mumble Local Speech should only be used for Inter Squad Comms or Directional Comms when needed! Your Main Comms should be either on Voip or Squad Mumble Radio to avoid disturbing a near by squad with chatter.
* When Whispering in Mumble, make sure you request Comms and identify yourself (Squad Number) before transmitting. (Ex: Squad 2 to CO/Sqd7 - Then wait for the go ahead or standby for reply).
* Only use Whisper to All Squad Leaders for extremely important information that is relevant to the whole team! Keep in mind that currently this whisper doesn't transmit to the CO.

* Use your minimap Grid System correctly and follow the phonetic alphabet on comms: Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike (Ex. Golf 6-2)

* When using the keypads of the Grid, you can add extra information like the general direction inside of it: Golf 6-2-North West (useful in big maps or when something is in between keypads).
* When using the compass Degrees, separate the numbers so they are more clear: 1 6 5 or 1 65 (more easy to mistake with 65) & 1 OW 5 or 1 0 5.
* Don't use "Left", "Right" or "Behind" as it is only relative to your position and angle. You should always be aware of directions without having to look at the compass.
* When reporting enemies you should distinguish Contact from Spotted based on the level of danger and distance of the target:
* Enemy Spotted = Enemy that hasn't spotted you and is a reduced threat to your squad (being far or moving away).
* Contact = Enemy that has spotted you or probably will, is engaging you (or about to), or that you will have to engage (being close enough).
* Danger Close = Enemy/Contact very close (independently if he has spotted you or not).
* If you want to add distance but are not sure about it, you can use for example: Close(from 50m to 100m), Medium(from 100 to 150m), Far(Above 150m) - Distances depend on map/type of terrain.
* It is often useful to use "High" or "Low" (besides the distance) to report a target that is above or below you, specially as a crew since the gunner might be zoomed in or looking elsewhere.
* When reporting your status you should make the distinction between Hit(Wounded), Down (Revivable) and Dead (NOT Revivable).
* Vehicle Identification is important. When possible use the vehicle name instead of type (Ex. AAVP instead of APC as it gives everyone info on weaponry and seats).
* You can use code names as long as your squad/team members are aware of them: Beast = 30mm MTLB and T-Building = T shaped Apartments Building (There are quite a few names already in use).

- Step 4 - Rules of Engagement & Squad Survival:

* Squad Leaders need to choose ROE's more often and pass them to their squad members which should Follow Orders and Be Disciplined on Comms!
* Keep Your Spacing! Squad Leaders should define it based on type of map/environment and check if the squad is doing it properly.
* Check what your squad mates are doing to avoid covering the same angles/not covering an angle or stepping in their line of sight/fire. Always cross behind friendlies to avoid getting shot.
* Officer kit, Medic and Automatic Rifleman are the "mandatory" kits for a standard infantry squad. Without them you will not be fully effective.
* Don't fire from FOB's/Caches (specially unknowns) unless really necessary. Don't spawn on unknown caches! Don't walk directly from Caches to firefights.
* Don't walk directly from FOB's to Flags or Objectives. Don't stay close to FOB's when AFK.

* Your main objective should always be to stay alive (Exceptions on suicide tactics or based on Advantages Gained before dieing and Ticket Balance).
* Avoid Engagements when your primary objective doesn't require them (most of the time it just lowers your survival chances and gains very little).
* Balance Engagements with Flag Control - Sometimes it is better to stay alive (keep the numbers on the flag) than to risk dying just so you can reduce the enemy presence.
* Rely on Teamwork to complete your objective: Use CAS/Mortars or Armor support before and during major assaults or to counter enemy assaults. Use (their) smoke more often!
* Don't approach from the most predictable direction and Avoid Direct Confrontation - Flank as much as possible and use suppressive fire or distractions to gain the element of surprise.
* When caught by surprise or engaged in direct front contact, engage only as much as needed to fall back and Regain Advantage - Break Visual, Hide & Ambush or Flank and Strike

- Step 5 - Terrain Analysis & Adaptability:

* The use of terrain for cover should be constant. Avoid Running in the open and reduce your vulnerable angles.
* Use ditches or hills(Independently of how small). Avoid the top of hills to reduce your silhouette. Use their side instead - Stand to view/shoot & Crouch or Prone to get in cover.

* Align the trees/bushes between you and the enemy positions. That will allow you to approach them without being noticed.

* Stick close to walls (but not too close - avoid glitching through) and be careful with possible holes in them.

* Avoid main routes and predictable approaches. Find new ways to infiltrate different types of compounds and flags.
* Avoid making unnecessary noise when possible (like opening doors or using the hook) - Use the environment (Garbage Bins, Flower Pots, Chairs) around you to overcome obstacles.

* Blend in with the environment (Slow and Stealthy Movements) and through enemy lines (use enemy kits & don't stand out).
* If caught by surprise (vehicle approaching) without any proper cover, drop your kit and go prone in it. Sometimes the enemy won't distinguish you from a dead soldier.

* When approaching corners or doors - Do a Quick Sweep (half a circle/circular movement) to take a peak - One small angle at a time.

* When going up stairs - Go up crouched until you're high enough to stand up and view the room while still being able to quickly crouch to cover.
* When opening a door or gate (shotgun or incendiary) - Stick to one of its sides to avoid getting shot/blown up right away.

- Step 6 - Aiming & Shooting:

* Don't shoot at what you can't kill! Take your time to aim and only engage for sure kills (Suppression being the exception). Follow the ROE set by your SL.
* The longer the range the more accurate the fire will need to be. Wait a few seconds before shooting, specially if the enemy hasn't spotted you.
* When firing, space your shots for full accuracy and mag control. You do not want to have to reload when an enemy assaults your position.
* Watch for friendly fire by being aware of friendly squads movements in the minimap. If unsure, fire on single shot first.
* Always make sure you have a fall back route before engaging an enemy that hasn't spotted you. Avoid engaging when unsure of their numbers or when surrounded.
* Avoid tunnel vision when using scoped weapons and practice hip shooting for close encounters. Aim at the torso unless if they're prone.
* Practice accurate long fire with iron-sigh weapons as they are more adaptable to most types of environments/firefights.
* When fighting in CQC (Close Quarters Combat) - Do NOT go Prone (your head will be the first part to get shot). Only go Prone at far distances and specially if you will get accuracy first.
* Get used to crouching into cover and standing to shoot over objects/terrain (hills/walls/roofs). Always move a bit to one of the sides before standing back up (wait for accuracy to settle).
* If possible, call out your targets before engaging them. Peak to spot the enemy but aim from within cover before standing up to fire.
* Learn how to provide suppressive fire. It doesn't matter if the enemy is in cover, you still need to fire as close as possible to his position. Shoot in bursts to reduce the need to reload.
* Practice throwing grenades (through windows). Depending on the distance/height, you can aim first with your weapon before switching to the grenade and throwing it without moving the mouse.
* When smoking, throw it between you and the enemy instead at your own position. The objective is to blind them, not you. Use smoke as a distraction or to mislead the enemy.
* When revived, the medic should be prone while you should be crouched (No Overlapping hit-boxes) to allow you to cover and fire without hitting your own medic. Don't look at the medic! Cover!

- Step 7 - Kit/Role Usability & Effectiveness:

* Learn how to be an effective Medic as eventually you will need to be. When the squad medic goes down, every squad member needs to be able to do its job. Drop a patch before reviving.
* Learn how to be an effective AR/LMG. Only switch to deployed mode when stationary (Within Cover). Stay back to be able to settle for full accuracy. Use bursts and wait for them to pop-up.
* Learn how to be an effective Specialist to avoid making your squad wait too long for an entry/extraction point. Practice with the hook and the shotgun. Aim with the rifle before the hook.
* Practice with HATs and LATs of each factions as they will have different aiming characteristics (Guided/Unguided) and accuracy. Shoot higher than the target before full accuracy (Guided).
* Do NOT fly unless you know how to land! Practice quick landings to avoid hovering. Drop troops without fully touching the ground (but close enough). Always get an LZ before taking off main.

- Step 8 - Gear & Supplies - Extra Tips:

* What you deploy in the field can stay up to 20 minutes after you die.
* You can only put up to 3 Mine markers per kit.
* You can only drop one ammo bag per kit. Dropping more will make the first one disappear.
* You can only drop one field dressing at a time. Dropping more will make the first one disappear.
* You can drop up to 30 mines and you can put up to 3 markers. Ditches/Holes and Bumps/Ramps or Road Stones/Grass or Shallow Water are the best ways to conceal mines. Use thin locations/paths.
* You can drop up to 10 C4 but you only get 1 detonator. It can stick to most objects and it has about 20 meters of damage radius but its effectiveness is at 10 meters. 15 Meters for InstaKill.
* You can drop up to 5 Arty IEDs and you can have up to 2 separate detonations. They don't stick to objects and have a damage radius of about 70 meters (Flat Ground). 50 Meters for InstaKill.
* You can drop up to 6 PipeBomb IEDs and you can have up to 2 separate detonations. They stick to objects and have a damage radius of about 25 meters. 15 Meters for InstaKill.
* You can drop up to 10 Claymores (up to 2 separate detonations). They have a direct distance of about 45 meters towards where they are facing(at a 140? Angle). 30 Meters for InstaKill.
* You can drop up to 4 Grenade Traps and you can't mark them (v0.973 - use a mine to mark a grenade trap). They stick to objects depending on material/angle. A dead body will detonate them.

* The radius of most explosives can be limited by terrain characteristics but it can go through plenty of objects depending on what they're made of.
* If you want to deploy a mine or anything else that require you to go prone, start to deploy it while prone but stand up and move to drop it. You can place them on shallow water that way.
* If you want to place a C4 or a PipeBomb up high on a wall or roof, you can jump right before it gets dropped to be able to throw it up to 2 meters.
* 3 RKG Grenades ,often found in Taliban kits, are one of the best ways to destroy a cache. 2 RKG + 1 Incendiary also does the trick but make sure you use the RKGs first not to draw attention.

* When requesting a kit from a Crate/Cache as a rifleman, always drop your ammo bag next to it before moving away. Eventually you or your team will need them.
* When resupplying from a Crate/Cache, always request a rifleman kit and drop an ammo bag. It will keep the crate from eventually disappearing and it will also resupply you quite faster.
* When a Supply Crate is on the roof of an enterable building (Ex. T Building)- Go on the room below it and request a rifleman kit to drop an ammo bag. You will be resupplied within cover.
* 1 ammo crate = 2 ammo boxes = 6 ammo bags / 4 ammo boxes resupply over 3 times faster compared with 2 ammo crates. But if you drop 1 or two ammo bags next to them, they resupply even faster.

- Step 9 - Deployable Assets & Logistics:

* Avoid using main roads by finding alternative routes for your logistics. If not possible, secure primary ambush positions such as choke points and bridges before crossing them.
* Do not build FOB's in the middle of roads or open areas or too close to a flag/objective. They will be overrun or destroyed quite faster if you don't hide them.
* Do not build assets around a FOB that you do not intend to defend or don't have the manpower to keep up and running. They will just make the FOB more noticeable and eventually destroyed.
* Find the most concealed location for your FOB. If placed in a compound, avoid opening any doors or gates that may limit the entry points. Try and place it as close to the ground as possible.
* When deploying razor-wire, first make sure you will be able to completely shut down all or most access points to the FOB. If not, there is no point to deploy any as they will call attention. You can build it faster with a wrench.
* When deploying 50cals, TOWs or Mortars - make them as far as possible from the FOB to make sure it is harder to find. Only deploy them if you are going to actually use them!

* The closer your mortars are to your main, the easier it will be to resupply them. But keep in mind the range of the mortars and the target areas you will need to hit. (max:1500m/min:75m)
* It should take about 45 to 60 seconds to calculate the angle and fire the first mortar round. It takes 20 seconds for a round to hit the ground after being fired.
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Last edited by [R-CON]Onil; 2011-11-12 at 11:58..
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Old 2011-11-07, 08:52   #2
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Default Re: PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

Great guide! We had the privilege to follow and read the guide in the early development phase already. It's the base for our clan training. In the way onil is explaining the most important things in PR is easy to understand and adaptive. It's the best all-in-one guide in this forum! Was a great pleasure for us to help you to create that guide.


edit: good morning curry.

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Last edited by Curry; 2011-11-07 at 09:09..
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Old 2011-11-07, 09:56   #3
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Default Re: PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

Cool, you got this written up! Nice one Onil.

Lots of good advice. Some of this stuff takes a while but is really useful once you have the right mindset and don't need to actively think about it, like the terrain analysis.

Good work guys

Cheers, Murkey.

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Old 2011-11-07, 10:20   #4
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Default Re: PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

Best guide to PR period. Anyone who can institute all of these in game is a good player in my books.

Awesome job Onil, only the best from CATA.
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Old 2011-11-07, 10:29   #5
Mj Pain
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Default Re: PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

Some good shit here..both for beginners and veterans.

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Old 2011-11-07, 10:29   #6
PR Tournament Management
Default Re: PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

Thanks guys

I thought it was about time for me to post something like this. Many players had requested me to do this in the past and I always refused to do it. I believe the only way for people to actually learn is by doing it themselves and practicing... first on local and then in an actual game. Most won't even read past the first lines of this guide but in the end it is their loss.

Anyway, I will add some more stuff from time to time. Feel free to make any suggestions that might come to mind.
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Old 2011-11-07, 13:24   #7
Absolute Killer
Default Re: PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

great job man! that must have taken a long ass time to type up
the only thing i personally don't agree with is "* Officer kit, Medic and Automatic Rifleman are the "mandatory" kits for a standard infantry squad. Without them you will not be fully effective." If u have a light inf squad of like 4 guys, i feel that a really good grenedier can replace, if not be more effective, than the AR because they have the added advantage of being much more mobile, they can suppress nicely if they are are good shot, and they have smoke which is great for retreat and such

I also feel that if you have a small disciplined squad spawning on the unknown cache and hiding in the cache room, its a good thing. I have seen many many unknown caches be found with noone spawning on them, and if there is something in the room hiding its better than nothing. That way they can tell other squads to spawn there if they are sure the enemy knows where the cache is. But literally that squad has to sit in a room and not make a sound unless the enemy walk into the room itself with the cache

just my two cents, but everything i thought was spot on
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Old 2011-11-07, 13:35   #8
PR Tournament Management
Default Re: PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

Hey AK, thanks for the feedback.

While I understand your point of view, a Grenadier's rate of fire is no where compared to an AR when you need to suppress but the smoke certainly comes in handy when used properly. Unfortunately it is quite rare to find an effective grenadier using smoke to "suppress" the enemy's ability to fire at you.

Relative to the spawning on unknown caches, the main issue is that 99% of players are unable to stay inside a room without peaking out the window. And with the use of thermals it is way too easy to spot you even if you only have your shoulder showing. Even without thermals, the smallest of movement or sound inside the room, will give you away to the most experienced players.

It is a lot more effective to spawn somewhere else and move only as close as needed to observe the cache location from a far. Plenty of maps have high roofs/hills where you can see a big area where the unknown cache can be. You can use civilians or unarmed spotters to do the job


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Old 2011-11-07, 14:27   #9
Default Re: PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

I don't think that dropping a patch before reviving is always needed.
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Old 2011-11-07, 16:55   #10
PR Tournament Management
Default Re: PR Guide: Tips & Tricks

Yeah sometimes you don't want to take too much time on the revive and dropping a patch takes slightly more time but having those extra 25% health really comes in handy when you get interrupted after revive and need to engage. Plus you don't necessarily need to drop the patch on his body if he is out in the open... you can drop the patch on the fall back position (where you will be healing him) before going for the revive.
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