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Old 2019-05-07, 14:07   #401
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Default Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

Oh boi, this could be gold quality copypasta.
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Old 2019-05-23, 09:56   #402
Exclamation Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

11th Installation of Grump/Gump.45 tips inspired by lessons learned from the "Squad v12 and Project Reality 1.5 teamwork playlist"

-When a enemy flag is about to go neutral stay at your defense flag if you are under contact to prevent back capping. Focus on surviving and suppressing, request status reports on enemy cap percentage so you can start moving out as early as possible. Regroup off the defense cap you can leave. Enemy attacking squads may still come for you.

-Once the enemy objective is close to being neutral let the transport squad know you will need a ride from a safe LZ away from the defense objective. Pre-plan a safe LZ you can make it to using terrain, camouflage, smoke grenades or other methods. Enemy may chase you away from the old defense objective so be prepared to protect chopper from LAT and stick in sight of each other to get in chopper faster.

-Don't throw color smoke directly on LZ for chopper pick up, never throw smoke for FOB crate drops. Use color smoke as distraction away from friendly forces to make it seem like a bigger push is coming from another direction. Use color smoke as a visual reference with a direction and range from the smoke for what you are referencing.

-When making callouts on the map don't just say the Grid and keypad, give a map reference point and direction, distance estimation at least and description from it to save squad leaders the time like "South of the radio tower enemy 300 meters heading north"..."North Eastern side of the city tanks moving south 50 meters outside perimeter"... "In the fields east of the factory 600 meters super FOB"

-If you are the last man defending an objective and still outnumbered by enemy with no chance of getting medic up, or worse no medic play dead. Drop your kit away from other kits and each other(if 2 playing dead for more guerilla chaos), go prone and put your hands up. Get in a good spot, facing a good way on some rubble/trash/grass/table leg/chair leg/box corner/rock or something to hide one of your elbows angled for hands on head. Don't move, listen for footsteps. Take screen shots, use your grenades or find some from a kit/crate/dead enemy at the opportune moment to hit bunched enemies then RUN... S.E.R.E - Survive, Escape, Resistance, Evasion

-When playing dead provide intel for friendlies, mark the position with color smoke grenades, sneak around checking kits. Smoke up the enemies face and your area to sneak around in. Run around in the smoke punch one and run to create paranoia for enemy to TK each other, find the enemy crates for their rifleman kits, throw their grenades. Manage your kit drop function properly without spamming it to drop your kit/enemy kit when needed. Wait a minute or 2 from dropping your kit to go to work, in my experience after a while I can pick up and drop my kit freely by just pressing G till it doesn't let me but by that time I can reset kit drop function. This allows me to play dead at any time immediately. Fire their rifles in the enemy direction from crate. Ambush anyone who checks. Beat AFKs up with your fists.

-When playing dead you may find for some reason that you cant move due to enemy being in the area, keep at it. Don't move or your whole body moves. If you must turn your whole body take your chance to do it fast right after enemy passes. Face toward the whole squad. The reaction of enemy may be funny and abnormal as if they "saw something", they may even start to calmly shoot you if you move, they may not notice it. The enemy may start to check kits of "dead" bodies. Don't let him get your kit, or let him get your kit then take his running to a dead friendly body. Don't let him kick your body or you move QUITE NOTICEABLY if he touches/pushes against you.

-When choosing a spot to play dead do it among other bodies whether enemy or friendly to camouflage yourself so you don't stand out. If you have to play dead while traveling due to enemy vehicle or enemy squad passing by your camouflage you will be forced to be a lone body most likely. Over open desert where minimal camouflage plants are available play dead and hope the passing enemy doesn't question your lone body, keep your "dead" body out of far long range angles of snipers who may have seen you do it while watching his friendly vehicles path.

***NOTE*** In the screen shots attached below the guy with the rocket launcher actually ran right over me possibly nudging me, several others did too actually in the same exact spot before and after him. I quickly spun my body 180 to see them, the feeling of playing dead with someone walking behind you is not good. There is 2 guys with LAT you can see in the pictures, in screenshot 1119 the LAT closer to me was checking the kits and was moving toward the 2nd body, by chance I was not the 2nd body he checked. When he came to my body I popped up on his ass before he could take my kit, he seemed hesitant and in disbelief when I popped, he slowly backed up without shooting. This whole interaction between me and this British LAT guy lasted about 10-20 seconds from the time I popped up and shooting started. My memory gets bit fuzzy after that but he either ran away first or started shooting then ran away, but he did run and I got him against a blown out bunker while all his buddies are shooting at me. They surrounded and killed me on the side of a hill.
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Last edited by Grump/Gump.45; 2019-09-29 at 22:14..
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Old 2019-05-23, 11:06   #403
Exclamation Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

12th installation of tips by Grump/Gump.45 for survival

-When playing insurgency as a team for the BluFor don't move around as one lone squad separate from the larger force. This just wastes tickets in the end and time. First step as BluFor is to move out to a place to build up superFOBs that support each others security to harvest kills. Do not attack caches until both caches are known to force enemy to divide their forces a bit.

-When moving out of main deployment zones into areas enemy could sight you in don't bunch up, keep the spread of vehicles so insurgent area attacks or mortar fire don't kill more than one vehicle. 2 superFOBs to build, suppress and move out from to scout and probe areas for enemy contacts that present likely cache locations to suppress. Focus on surviving and harvesting kills.

-Use every asset you can to send out into kill zones to ensure enemy is dead once spotted. Defend superFOBs and build them wide so mortar/bomb car assets don't take it all out at once. Keep the enemy at distance and control enemy movements, force them to come in through only one uncovered area of terrain with difficult visibility then cover the edge of that terrain exit.

-Keep APCs/AAV/LAV/Bradley fighting vehicle assets separated from each other with a .50 cal jeep vehicle covering armor from enemy fire. Dividing fire and attention further of the enemy and suppressing target zones where there are no friendlies on concealed avenues of enemy approach.

-Keep infantry at distance from insurgents and keep them spread out, only one person at a time should be hurt by RPG, bomb car or other insurgent weapons. The blast radius of these weapons dictates the spread you need to enforce among the infantry and armor. Even if APCs are spread out near by infantry makes them a juicy target for the enemy to hit. Give infantry something to do within their area of spread.

-Once both caches are up focus all 50 of your BluFor to attack one cache at a time and overwhelm it. Suppress, Obscure, Secure, Reduce and Assault (SOSRA). Send in every kind of enemy clearing asset you can at long range from TOWs, LAT/HAT, 40mm grenades, hand grenades, .50 cal. Send in a minimum set amount with prepared re-arms. Breach once APCs need to re-arm.

-If suppression from pre-breach assets was not enough and enemy held out in cover pull back keeping everyone alive, all the tickets alive with minimum losses and wait for APCs and other breach assets to bring ammo. Keep breach entry perimeters secure. Establish infantry squads in buildings/positions on the edge of the weapons cache area to surveil for enemy. Suppress one sector while infantry clears house to house.

-Once C4 is on cache pull all the infantry out to surrounding perimeters to draw enemy to BluFor positions on revenge attacks and to prevent insurgents from escaping to the next cache. Shift to another good location to SuperFOB, suppress and push out from for the next cache attack or harvest kills if needed to keep 2 caches known.

-Enforce in your squads to only shoot at enemy if they are armed with weapons in their hands or other gear on their body to identify enemy with shovel or binoculars also has a weapon. Gear like backpacks, head rag mask shemaghs, load bearing belts with shoulder harness, chest rigs, holsters, visible worn grenades, knives or of course FIREARMS. Do not shoot unarmed civilians. This costs -5 intel points from the 50 needed for each cache.

-Be cautious when moving toward cache locations, don't just walk toward any area without it being watched from distance from friendlies who have angles inside. Everyone, from the people in rear covering to the rifles moving up need to watch for IEDs, anything suspicious looking in the road and even more careful for spots that could have camouflaged IED. Examine trash/grass/papers/debris/wood/trash piles/rubble/ruins/bodies closely. They may have an IED camouflaged among it. If you are not getting shot at in the moment and have cover, take your time, move slowly. Ask for cover to check everything. Crawl to check for IED, call for the combat engineer to probe trash hiding IEDs completely to clear a footpath.

-Don't bunch up to provide security with anything, you don't need to be in the same spot as each other to see the same target zone. Pick unique looking positions that give you angles outward that divide the fire and attention of enemy to spot you. Static cars, dumpsters, telephone poles, fallen trees, logs, trash pile defilades(body goes through static map trash for good camouflage), under truck trailers, over rubble/debris or other creative positions enemy will have trouble seeing you at. Avoid cover with linear walls that your body breaks outline of, this makes you stand out.

-Ideally set up as many super FOBs as you can directly on their 200 meter separation zones to get up as many suppression and over watch assets for security. Get AA emplacements up as well for indirect fire for target zones available from those angles. Best to give order to "hold fire unless you see the enemy see you or get shot at" to identify and confirm armed enemy and not CIVILIAN before firing any asset based on the ROE(see manual).

-Some civilians will be spotters sitting there in the street or on a roof as early warning to enemy below and may be a trap to draw in guys to arrest. Be careful they didn't put IEDs in trash path of the civilian that the civilian might draw you into and/or his armed insurgent friends. Surround the area of the civilian and let the breacher get him with the shotgun or 2 guys with cuffs out get security from 2 guys with rifles. Don't kill civilians.

-Watch out for insurgents playing dead. Also if you find the ammo techy crate stashes that takes care of your trash/camouflaged IED problem to wait at the crates in ambush... or at least new ones. Sappers frequently play dead as their pistol is not sufficient for dealing with BluFor squads of 8. So don't bunch up for those IEDs or insurgents playing dead. Some sappers moving through hostile terrain when in sudden sight of enemy or just before being seen play dead where they are crawling to place their IED after BluFor passes.
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Last edited by Grump/Gump.45; 2019-05-30 at 17:16..
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Old 2019-05-23, 11:32   #404
Exclamation Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

13th installation of Grump/Gump.45 tips

-When building FOBs place them on friendly sides of the map based on main base and objective. Build one back up one maybe for your first flag then 2 for the defense flag, 2 for attack flag then last 1(or 2) can be placed as needed. Always place FOBs in camouflage under trees, in bushes or other non-obvious places enemy will look or see it.

-For defense objectives place a defense FOB with its 200 meter perimeter to overlap defense flag, same for attack flags. This way you can get assets inside the flag cap perimeter without having the FOB in the cap perimeter enemy will eventually over run. You can use the emplacements as cover giving each TOW/HMG/AA its own foxhole to cover it while friendlies can still spawn in.

-Don't put 2 HMGs next to each other like a lazy squad leader. Move at least 50 meters(incoming mortar round deviation) away from the HMG or TOW you placed and put it else where. If you want your TOW watching the same direction as your HMG or want the HMGs watching the same area place it in a different spot that can see that area out of blast radius. Each assets foxhole should be able to see and cover another assets foxhole.

-If you want a "3rd HMG" set up a foxhole where you want your medium machine gunner positioned, away from your other 2 HMG keeping the spread out for incoming explosives. With each asset in place cover the other with a manned foxhole the enemy cant come close to kill everyone easily. Call for ammo to be placed right outside the foxholes as close as possible. The more suppression you put out the more clear it will be of enemy.

-Once all assets are manned with a foxhole guarding each one put up foxholes to cover the foxholes that guard the assets. Always place in the edge of cap even if it means forward of the assets, the assets cover those foxhole and the foxholes cover those assets. Just set up the positions, make sure they are manned and maintained as they take damage. Set up assets so they have safe lower ground defilade entry to crawl into if needed.

-Place assets so the enemy cant get accurate fire onto each of them at the same time. Building one HMG on the side of a hill then another on the other side of the hill covering different directions means the enemy can only shoot one or the other. Also using rocks on the mountains to build assets out of sight of enemy to be hit 2 or more at once applies same concept. Out of sight of enemy for 2 but each position covers at least one other.

-When you build a super FOB give your friendlies foxholes. They provide protection for the assets and its easier for a dark silhouette of yourself to be hidden in plain sight peeking out of foxhole turret sections than over light colored grass or sand. Stay crouched in the foxholes treating the turrets like windows not standing in the middle of the windows so others can shoot out of that same turret and so you don't expose yourself to what isn't in your sights ready to be shot.

-When available place foxholes in sight of each other camouflaged in the trees with the foxhole dug around the tree in the center. Low hanging branches provide camouflage for the person in the foxhole and extend out far enough in some clusters to camouflage it completely. Utilize this method along with all others to keep everyone in sight of each other but not visible to each other. Enemy doesn't have cover in this situation except the environment.
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Last edited by Grump/Gump.45; 2019-05-23 at 16:56..
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Old 2019-05-23, 12:09   #405
Exclamation Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

14th installation of Grump/Gump.45 survival tips inspired by Squad v12 teamwork playlist lessons and the common sense concepts they teach

-If the enemy should breach your building coming to the room you are in and there is no time to reload pull out your knife and get in a corner watching a door in a inner section of a room, be far back enough enemy wont see you as they walk through. As soon as an enemy walks in expect another, if there is no other knife that enemy while his back is turned then run out to low floors sprinting/pushing past enemies on your way down. If enemy faces you either rush or fall back.

-If your building like a T-building or other occupiable building gets overrun and there is no way out of the bottom stairwell... Also if you are being chased run to the roof. Run to a section of the roof that has a balcony just below it to just to sticking out the side of the building to jump down to or jump to another roof. If you can get to the bottom of the stairwell enemy pushed up again pretend you are breaching, suppress the sides of the building so enemy hears your rifle downstairs. Then run away to re-group.

-When APC/IFV vehicles with 20mm,30mm, or 40mm explosive rounds come along to shoot a building you are occupying get back away from the windows and rooms with windows. The armor could suppress and saturate every available visual explosive angle. Get to the most central parts of the building while suppression is up taking cover behind furniture/counters/cabinets inside. If you hear the engine idling after suppression it is still watching. Communicate and make sure everyone is aware of that so multiple friendlies don't peek the armor.

-When moving down from roof tops hastily use many obstacles to break your fall using controlled drops to the next safest lower obstacle. This is Project Reality Parkour, used from lower buildings and even possible from some higher buildings. Obstacles such as metal shop signs, curved overhangs, window air conditioning units, ground air conditioning units, fallen leaning telephone poles, cars, lower structures on lower roof tops, solar panels will reduce or completely eliminate injury when you drop. Get creative.

-If enemy should rope up into your building get your breacher to throw his rope on the ground and grab the enemy rope, preferably with someone watching the lower rope for the first enemy to pass. So you can grab it while a few are climbing up high instead of many low. If you need to throw a rope without the enemy hearing it or not noticing the sound as much wait for loud explosions or vehicles to drive/fly by to throw it. Use ropes for quick rappel escapes from larger forces, cover the man with the rope

-Getting the enemy to shoot at you by drawing fire away from friendly give your friendlies the opportunity to find the enemies location to shoot back accurately then suppress if the enemy is not down. This suppression will show you exactly where the enemy is on top of the Direction, Distance, Description(three D's) location call out. Switch off between drawing fire as your friendlies suppression will draw fire to him from another direction, giving you something to keep busy with firing and moving to new spots.

-Use different firing methods to hit your enemy based on the situation needed to kill them or keep friendlies safe. Kill to keep friendlies safe, but don't let waiting for an accurate target in one spot you already shot at get you or a friendly killed. If you saw an enemy take cover or concealment in camouflage after shooting accurately at him suppress the cover/concealment where enemy isn't showing himself or hard to see to get him to come out or stay pinned. Suppress before friendly goes in.

-Use accurate suppression for known known visible point targets, sending accurate rounds at accurate rates of fire for the specific weapon you are using. Use accurate suppression for known unknown on area targets of cover or concealment at the height of a man you saw run into the woods/jungle/urban alley. Use traversing probing suppression in grazing fire(height of a man) for unknown unknown targets that would other wise slip past you or come up on you and catch you slipping un-seen. Clear them woods with bullets.

-If you need to get the jump on a enemy silently in a building you are in wait for other sound loud enough to mask the sound of your footsteps crouched. Give the order to any friendlies to only move when there are loud sounds of fighting, vehicles, explosions or a lot of enemy footsteps to mask yours. Squad secure each section of the building while only 2 quietly go up to enemy. Once enemy is in sight don't fire unless the enemy sees you, bring up the rest for fast breach while covering enemy with rifle then knife enemy. Push fast after.
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Last edited by Grump/Gump.45; 2019-05-30 at 17:18..
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Old 2019-05-23, 15:15   #406
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Default Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

And the mad lad continues as if nothing happened and comes back in force. With more redundant tips.
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Old 2019-06-02, 15:36   #407
Exclamation Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

15th post of Grump/Gump.45 tips and methods to try

-When breaching buildings/enclosed areas first men in push the corners to the left and right or straight forward if the door is on the right corner wall(or other variations to adapt). As 2nd man if you see the 1st man go right, 2nd man goes left, easy to naturally do without communication before or during. Same for the rest of the breach team to spread out within this way.

-Don't be lazy, don't try to shoot from behind your friends head. Either you let him work that corner and don't be a risk to the back of your friends head. Or you can be like a real professional and assist your team member in a compressed weapon flow environment by putting your weapons muzzle past his flesh, shoulder to shoulder. This way incase you will not be able to anticipate your friends movements as well he will not accidentally run into your weapons muzzle getting shot because it is past his body and muzzle flashing in his peripherals indicating to him that he is receiving support, instead of just having more rounds snap by his head not knowing if its trying to help or kill him.

-Move fast so you don't give the enemy time to react, don't sit around breach building compromised like you don't know grenades will come out. If possible when not in contact move up on your series of breach buildings keeping the buildings out of visual angle until you reach them for stealth breach. Initiate breach preparations(frag man, shotgun man, positions) once building is in sight, clear doorways and windows from distance to see inside.

-Don't sit still for enemy scopes along with not over exposing yourself to the enemy. Motionless Operators Ventilate Easily(M.O.V.E), only expose yourself to one direction at a time keeping dangerous thing like sniper/TOW/armor/HMG out of visual angle of yourself, meaning you shouldn't see it in sight to survive. Everyone looks a different way that scans into shared visual angles.

-When breaching a building to give the enemy no time to react call out the grenades you are throwing in. Don't go into the building until all grenades have gone off, keep people back, as soon as the last one goes off first man goes in. If 1-3 grenades went in on a un-compromised stealth breach at the same time for initial breach don't throw a 4th to go off seconds after last explosion or you will lose the initiative jump on enemy from the sudden blurred suppression/stress.

-Come up with a plan to keep out of sight of the buildings you want to breach until you reach them and stick to the plan, along with making sure the rest of your squad sticks to the plan. Ensure your guys are spread out but not to the point they walk in a position they can be seen from far away in plain sight sticking out of the ground, or some other way they are exposed. Everyone is to police up each others cover/concealment with exposure or ONE imbecile along with all who cluelessly follow without awareness of exposure will compromise the whole team.

-Keep the target zones of direction the enemy will come from clear of friendly, if its the direction enemy will come from or enemy is coming from within their own smoke.... don't enter the defense/attack flag zone that way or you will be suddenly confused for enemy. Go in the safer way near other friendlies, but not so close you get them killed by following 1 meter behind rather than 10+ meters to the left or right behind friendly. If you see 2 people in any spot already move to a different spot to see what they are looking at.

-Spread out left to right, forward and backwards of each other out of all possible explosive impact angles no matter the situation or terrain. Stay in sight of each other ready to engage anything immediately as soon as it fires at friendly. Scan all areas enemy could possibly come from or shoot you to see the enemy first. In woodland terrain every man gets his own tree that provides camouflage, same for urban terrain with pillars/corners/cars or desert with berm sectors.

-When building FOBs for the edge of a cap zone build the FOB 100 meters out of the edge of cap then place the assets 100 meters in on a good defensible edge. Spread out the assets over a 100 meter wide line or half circle due to the mortars having a 50 meter deviation spread. It appears mortars land exactly where 3+ men are in a foxhole rather than 2. This way you all cant be hit, so for the foxhole that every HMG/TOW/AA gets 1 man in the foxhole, one on the asset ready to jump in.

-The man with LAT in your squad should have freedom of movement around your squad to engage the enemy armor that comes along, LAT volunteers are usually experienced regulars who you just need to have faith in. Your regular infantry might be un-able to follow the simplest order like "throw ONE smoke far as you can to inch up to throw the next" etc. Let alone listen to spread out away from critical kits of squad members in other rooms along with not standing up against middle of windows.

-A mine that friendly will step on before enemy is a wasted mine and wasted time. Don't place mines on main access points friendly will head to first. Place the mines in camouflage away from where reasonable friendlies would exposed them selves to farther away from the sector friendlies should be spread out in for defense. Place the mines in places that no regular friendly un-aware of his exposure to enemy can make it to and back from without cover or the concealment of camouflage.
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Last edited by Grump/Gump.45; 2019-12-03 at 20:44..
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Old 2019-06-02, 16:23   #408
Exclamation Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

16th post of Grump/Gump.45 tips/methods to try

-When you need to cross a wide open area from a covered position to get to a critical location like the edge of a covered objective use smoke grenades managed properly. 2 initial smoke grenades from ONE man only to start, he runs out far to throw them then runs back or takes cover till the next are up. 2nd man goes past the smoke to throw his far and spreading them out where no cover is. Medics use their smokes on wider areas while under fire.

-When waiting for the enemy, looking for enemy or any other situation talk and joke around without being next to each other or looking at each other. Focus your visual where enemy could come from and don't be in the same spot enemy could shoot you at. Spread out before the enemy shows up and quit messing around in squad chat once fighting starts to clear comms for bearing direction/distance/description call outs and squad leader radio chat. Maintain spread at all times.

-Shoot and suppress the enemy into the field of view (FOV) of other friendlies if you cant target the enemy bodies. Shoot on one side of the enemy to get them to run out and into FOV of other friendlies, area attack/mortar target zones or laze zones. Manipulate the enemy with aggressive fire that snaps by them but leave them an exit into a friendlies sector they have visually covered.

-To manage your sprint bar to always have sprint stop sprinting at half stamina, crawl under or go around obstacles instead of jumping over them. If one man starts sprinting using his full stamina bar at the same starting point as you and you save half of yours, by the time your stamina bar has fully recovered his will be out or recovering from zero. Use this method to get in front of and lead noobs with your full bar.

-Be aware of what your enemy sees and is aware of existing on the same plain of existence you are all subjectively experiencing. If you see enemy dot just sitting there he is probably already looking at you. Just anticipate once you saw that dot that the enemy already saw you, more times than not while doing this the round will hit right where you were sitting. Move to a new spot because the enemy will anticipate you to pop back up to same point of aim.

-Don't move in front of people shooting, many people eventually learn to not stand up against windows or ledges while shooting so they stand back to only be seen from their target zone. Move behind the lines of people shooting and be mindful of where others are aiming while not shooting.
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Last edited by Grump/Gump.45; 2019-06-02 at 18:12..
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Old 2019-09-22, 22:54   #409
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Default Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

1st: Get rid of all the milsim stuff and explain ACTUAL mechanics.

2nd: Tell people that when you are dead, only dead people can see your chat.

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Old 2019-09-23, 18:24   #410
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Default Re: PR Loading Screen Tip Suggestion Thread

Originally Posted by CAS_ual_TY View Post
1st: Get rid of all the milsim stuff and explain ACTUAL mechanics.
How is this a Loading Screen Tip? What does it mean? I thought the draw of a mil-sim game was to play "military" rather than some 3D shooter game by the numbers... right?

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