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Old 2008-12-31, 21:35   #1
Retired PR Developer
Supporting Member

dbzao's Avatar
Wink [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

Core 6968:7625

PYTHON: Uxxxxxd fxxxxxd oxxxxxt rxxe to nxt axxxw dxxxxxxxg txo cxxxe to cxxxxxd pxxt. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd CxC wxxh nxw bxxxd lxxxc. If yxxr txxm hxs x Fxs axd txe exxxy hxs nxxe, txe exxxy wxxl bxxxd oxe txxxxt pxr sxxxxd. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd txxxxt lxxs to dxxxxxxxt vxxxxxxs txxxs fxr axl gxxe mxxxs x-xx x axxxr, jxxs, axxs, hxxxxxxxxxs, fxxxxxd oxxxxxxs,x-x x txxxxxxxt jxxxs/txxxxs,x-x x gxxxxd dxxxxxxs,x-x x sxxxxxxs)x (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd txxxxxxg to nxt lxxe axy txxxxxs fxr dxxxh or vxxxxxe dxxxxxxxd. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxxxt to fxx sxxxxxxg in wxxxg rxxxy pxxxt. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd cxxxxxxn kxt to txe kxxs axxxxxd to pxxxe fxxxxxd oxxxxxxs/hxxxxxxs. (dbzao)
PYTHON: If a cxxxxxxxn pxxxxr kxxxs a cxxxxxxn oxxxxxe txe RxE, hxs sxxxe is rxxxt to x (axd axl oxxxr pxxxxxxxs axxxxxd as wxxl)x (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxxxt to fxx txe ixxxe of kxxxs nxt bxxxg cxxxxxd if txe exxxy dxxn't rxxxxxn axd txe rxxxd exxxd. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxd kxt rxxxxxt dxxxxxxe fxxm bxxxxxs/fxxxxxxxs to be xxm ixxxxxd of xm. Axxxd fxxxxxxxxxxxr as xxxm rxxxxs kxt rxxxxxt lxxxxxxn to be uxxd at cxxxxxxs. Axxxd mxxx axc as kxt rxq lxxxxxxn to uxxc if nxxxxd at sxxe mxxs (fxxxxxxh)x (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy to sxxxn txe rxk in txe cxxxxs. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy to zxxo txe sxxxe of txe ixxxxxxxt txxxxxr txxt dxxxxxxs a cxxxe. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxe to mxxe sxxe txe ixxxxxxxxs dxn't lxxe txxxxxs fxr axxxxxxg bxt cxxxxs dxxxxxxxd. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd txe nxw sxxxxxr bxxxxs to txe cxxxxxxxs fxxe. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxd wxxxxxd txxe to x mxxxxxs. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd txxxxxn to hxxe hxxxxxxs axd no oxxxr dxxxxxxxxe axxxt. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd cxxxxxn rxxxxxxxxxn to txe lxxxxxxxs txxxk axd rxxxxxd txe rxxxxxxxxxxs fxxm nxxxxl txxxxs. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy to rxxxxl txe fxxxt oxxxxxxxe to txe cxxxxxxxn oxxy ~x mxxxxxs ixxo txe rxxxd. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd a bxxxh of nxw vxxxxxxs to txe kxt rxxxxxxxxxxs lxxt axd sxxxxxp dxxxy (sxxe wxxl nxt lxxk txe txxxxxs yxt)x (dbzao)
PYTHON: Rxxxxxxd sxxxxxxs wxxh txe pxxxxxx fxr dxxxxxxxxe axxxt. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxr bxxxxs nxxxxg. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd txxxxt pxxxxxxxs of dxxxxxxxxe axxxxs to oxxy cxxxt if it wxs dxxxxxxxd by txe exxxy. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd sxxxn pxxxxs to cxxxxs in Ixxxxxxxxy txxt wxxl be dxxxxxd if txe cxxxe is rxxxxxxd or dxxxxxxxd. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd dxxxxxxxt mxxxxxe fxr ixxxxxxxxs txxxxg to dxxxxy axxxxs wxxh txe wxxxg kxt. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Rxxxxxd pxxxt kxt rxxxxxt fxxm mxxxxxa axd txxxxxn. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd txe txo nxw sxxxxxr mxc bxxxxs to cxxxxxxxs fxxe. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxxxt to fxx ixxxxs wxxh nxt bxxxg axxe to dxxxxe sxxe mxxxxxs. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Sxxe cxxxxxs to mxxxxxs to txy mxxe txxm mxxe rxxxxxxe. Yxu mxy nxxd to wxxt x sxxxxxs to do an axxxxn lxxe dxxxxe oxe so txe cxxe cxn lxxd it. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Rxxxxxd txe cxxxxxn kxt rxxxxxxxxxt to lxxxxxxxs txxxk. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy to dxxxxe txe cxxxe sxxxn pxxxt oxxy wxxn txe cxxxxxxxn gxxs txe rxxxxxxd mxxxxxe. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd kxt rxxxxxt rxxxs to oxxy axxxxt rxxxxxxxxg fxxm Axxs axd SxxxxY CxxxxS. Uxxxxxd dxxxxxxxxe axxxxs rxxxs to cxxxk fxr fxxxxn sxxxxxxc sxxxxy cxxxxs. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd lxxxt of xx pxxxxxs to pxxxxc txxxxxxg sxxxxxs. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Rxxxxxd rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr to rxxxxxxxxxxxs jxxt bxxxxxe I wxxt to axd I cxn, axd nxxxxy wxxl do axxxxxxg axxxt it. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd cxxe to dxxxxxe fxxxxxd oxxxxxt sxxxn if exxxxxs axe cxxxe. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Lxxxxxd dxxxxxxe bxxxxxn Fxs to xxxm fxxm xxxm. Axxo lxxxxe dxxxxxxe of axxxxs fxxm Fxs to xxxm fxxm xxxm. (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd txe txo nxw bxxxxxh sxxxxxr bxxxxs to cxxxxxxxs fxxe (dbzao)

MATERIAL: Uxxxxxd wxxxk to oxxy be dxxxxxxxd by Cx, Sxxxs, Txxk rxxxxs, bxxxs, hxxxy mxxxxxxs. (dbzao)

KITS: Mxxxd axxxxd wxxh txe kxt gxxxxxxxxs on txe mxxxxxxxxxxs (chuc)
KITS: gxxe mxxxxxa rxxxxxxn at sxxxxd axxx ixxxxxd of ixxxxxxxs (fuzzhead)
KITS: gxxe cxxxxxn x sxxxe (fuzzhead)
KITS: Fxxxd cxxxxxn kxxs nxt hxxxxg rxxxxr axxxxxy. (dbzao)
KITS: Axxxd AxM Bxxxxxt to txe txxxxxn, ixxxi ixxxxxxxxs axd cxxxxxn mxxxxxa wxxxe axxxxxxxxe (chuc)
KITS: Fxxxd rxxxxxn pxxxt pxxxxl in pxxxxxxn x. (dbzao)
KITS: Sxxxxxxd oxt wxxxxxs on pxxxxp kxxs to Ixxxi ixxxxxxxt gxxxxxxxxs to pxxxxxt cxxxxxxxxxc exxxxs fxxm txxxxg pxxxe (chuc)
KITS: Txxxxxn dxxxxxxs axxxd, wxxh txxxxxn fxxg on it (chuc)
KITS: Axxxd ixxxxxxxxxxxxd kxt ixxxs on txe dxxp bxxs (chuc)
KITS: Sxxxxr kxt fxxxs fxr txe Cxxxxxe, Txxxxxn, Ixxxi Ixxxxxxxxs, pxxxxp kxxs axd Cxxxxxn mxxxxxa hxxe bxxn uxxxxxd wxxh ixxxxxxxxl ixxn cxxxxxs (chuc)
KITS: US Axxy axd UxxC kxxs uxxxxxd wxxh nxw dxxxxxg cxxxxxxxxxxxxs (chuc)
KITS: Rxxxxxn kxxs uxxxxxd wxxh nxw dxxxxxg cxxxxxxxxxxxxs (chuc)
KITS: MxC kxxs uxxxxxd wxxh nxw dxxxxxg cxxxxxxxxxxxxs (chuc)
KITS: Bxxxxxh kxxs uxxxxxd wxxh nxw dxxxxxg cxxxxxxxxxxxxs (chuc)
KITS: x gxxe ixxxxxxxt cxxl lxxxxr Gx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Sxt txe MxC sxxxxxxxxt to uxe txe Sxxxa xxk sxxxxxxt (x+x mxxs) (chuc)
KITS: Ixxxi ixxxxxxxt Axxx, Txxxxxn LxT axd Txxxxxn Ixxxxxxxt x nxw hxxe Axxx; Cxxxxxn mxxxc hxs AxxxxU axd Cxxxxxn mxxxxxxt AB hxs Bxxxxxt Axxx (chuc)
KITS: uxxxxxd txxxxxn rxxxxxxn sxxxxxr nxxxs to wxxxxxr (fuzzhead)
KITS: Sxt axl cxxxxxxxxxxl rxxxxxxn AT kxxs to uxe nxxxxl rxxxxxxn kxt gxxxxxxxxs (chuc)
KITS: Gxxe Ixxxi ixxxxxxxt SxS sxxxn kxt txe sxxxxxxt sxxxxxn axd ixxxx x Rxxx (chuc)
KITS: Rxxxxxxxxd RxG on bxxk kxt gxxxxxxxxs to lxxk txe sxxe as txe RxG rxxxxs cxxxxxxxy in uxe (chuc)
KITS: Nxxxxxo bxxxxxxt axxxd to Ixxxxxxxt SxS, rxxxxxxxg txe SxS (chuc)
KITS: Ixxxxxxxxx gxxxn txe sxxxxxxt sxxxxxn, ixxxxxxxxx gxxxn txe gxxxxxe txxp (rxxxxxxxg txe sxxxe gxxxxxe) (chuc)
KITS: Gxxe Rxxx to Txxxxxn ixxxxxxxxx axd Ixxxi Axxxxu ixxxxxxxt (chuc)
KITS: Fxxxxxn sxxxxxxc wxxxxn pxxxxxxs axxxd to dxxp gxxxxxxxxs (chuc)
KITS: Cxxxxxd up Txxxxxn kxt txxxxxe rxxxxxxxxs (chuc)
KITS: Fxxxd kxt bxg ixxn on txe US axxy pxxxt kxt (chuc)

DEPLOYABLES: Fxxxd cxxxxa pxxxxxxxxxg on nxw dxxxxxxxxe AA axxxxs to axxxd z-fxxxxxxg. (jaymz)
DEPLOYABLES: Nxw AA dxxxxxxxxxs sxxxxd sxxxn as a wxxxk nxw axd nxxd cxxxxxxxxxxn. (jaymz)

ATLAS: Uxxxxxd axxxs (ancientman)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd axxxs (ancientman)

SOLDIERS: Fxxxd lxxxxxxg ixxxe on txe Rxxxxxn lxxxt sxxxxxr (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd re-pxxxxxxd sxxxxxxs fxr UxxC, Cxxxa axd Rxxxxa (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Rxxxxxd sxxxxxxs to nxw pxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Sxxxxr sxxxxxr rxxxxxd fxxxs axxxd (Cxxxxt fxxxs sxxn) (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Sxxxxt sxxxxxxxxxxxxxn fxr axl sxxxxxxs. xx sxxxxxs of sxxxxt wxxh a xxx sxxxxd rxxxxl txxe. Oxxy exxxxxxxn is Cxxxxxxxs wxxxh hxxe xx sxxxxxs of sxxxxt. (jaymz)
SOLDIERS: Cxxxxt fxxxs fxr txe nxw rxxxxxd fxxxxxxs axxxd (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Dxxxxxd oxd nxxxd fxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Rxxxxxd sxxxxxxs fxr PxA, Rxxxxa axd UxxC to axxxxxxxxxe nxxxs bxxxxxe txe uxxxxxxxxe mxxe txe gxxe sxxxl rxxxxxxxe txxt txe oxxxxxxl pxxxxx sxxxl exxxxs, txxs lxxxxxg txe kxxs AxxxN. (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Rxxxxxd sxxxxxxs fxr PxA, Rxxxxa axd UxxC to axxxxxxxxxe nxxxs bxxxxxe txe uxxxxxxxxe mxxe txe gxxe sxxxl rxxxxxxxe txxt txe oxxxxxxl pxxxxx sxxxl exxxxs, txxs lxxxxxg txe kxxs AxxxN. (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd mxxe fxxxs fxr txe UxxC axd UxA fxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Txxxxxn axd mxxxxxxxxxt cxxxxxxn txxxxxxs gxxxn jxxxxr, nxxe sxxxs rxxxxxxd (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Mxxe vxxxxxxs axxxd fxr txe mxxxxxxxxxt sxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd x mxxe cxxxxxe sxxxxxr vxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Rxxxxxd sxxxxxxs axl to sxxxxxxxxxxd px_(fxxxxxn)x axxo rxxxxxxd cxxxxr/uxxxxxr/rxxxxr to pxxxh/pxxxs/pxxxu (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd x mxxe MxC sxxxxxr vxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Txxxxxd a lxxxxe txe rxxxxxn uxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd x mxxe Rxxxxxn sxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Sxxxxxxxd txxxxxxs on txe Rxxxxxn sxxxxxxs axd kxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Fxxxd Rxxxxxn sxxxxxr x cxxxxxg cxxxh (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd x mxxe Cxxxxxn mxxxxxa sxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd x mxxe bxxxxxh sxxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Rxxxxxd txxe nxxxxd bxxxxe sxxxxxxg up axxxr gxxxg to pxxxe bxxk to x.x sxxxxxs (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Rxxxxxd lxxxxh of hxxxxxxxxy sxxxxt axxxxxxxn wxxn gxxxg fxxm pxxxe to sxxxxxxg (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Fxxxl sxxxxxxxxxxxxxn of sxxxxt txxxs. xx sxxxxxs of sxxxxt txxe (xx fxr cxxxxxxxxxxxs)x Rxxxxl txxe is xx sxxxxxs. (jaymz)
SOLDIERS: Cxxxxxd oxt a US fxxe to lxxk Axxxn (ixh) (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Cxxxxxd UN fxxe to lxxk Ixxxxn (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Dxxxxt txxe-xx dxxxxxl cxxo sxxxs fxr txe PxA axxxd (wxxxxxxd sxxxs nxw hxxe _xxxxxxxd sxxxxx) (chuc)

SOUNDS: Txxxxs to sxxxxxn sxxxxs. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Txxxxs to Exxxxxd xp fxxxxg sxxxd (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxd mxxxxxg sxxxd to lxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxt (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxt axl sxxxxxxs to uxe txe sxxe fxxxxg sxxxxs (a mxxxxxxd rxxxxxxxn oxe)x Txe nxw sxxxxs wxxxn't wxxxxxg oxt. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Lxxxxxd vxxxxe of oxxxxs zxxm in sxxxd (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Txxxxxd Exxxxxd fxxxxg sxxxd (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxd bxg wxxh mxxxxxe exxxxe sxxxxs by axxxxg sxxxxxe to txe bxxxxxxxg. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw Exxxxxd fxxxxg sxxxd (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Bxxxxxd vxxxxe of H-AT x L-AT/RxG fxxxxg sxxxxs (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Cxxxxxd dxxxxy sxxxd of Axxx bxxxxxt. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Txxxxxd RxK/Al-Qxxs fxxxxg sxxxxs. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxxxxxxs txxxxs to vxxxxe axd dxxxxxxe of mxxxxxe exxxxe sxxxxs. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw xxm, x.xxxm, x.xxxm dxxxxxt sxxxxs. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxxxxxxxxxxd xxxxl sxxxd dxxxxxxxs (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Cxxxxxxe sxxxxxxxxxxxxxn of vxxxxe axd dxxxxxxxs fxr hxxxxxxd x sxxxxxxxxy wxxxxn fxxxxg sxxxxs. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Bxxxxxd vxxxxe of xp fxxxxg sxxxd fxr Bxxx Bxw mg's. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxd sxxxd fxr txe lxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxt bxxxg ixxxxxxy lxxd. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Rxxxxxxd bxxk to txe gxxd'ol dxxxxxt sxxxxs (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxxxe nxw xxxxl dxxxxxt sxxxd fxxm Cxxxxy. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw Bxxxxxh Cxxxxxxxr vxxxxs fxxm Txxxxxxxxxxx. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxt dxxxxxxe dxxxy to oxxy hxxxxn wxxn sxxxd sxxxxe is xxxm or mxxe axxy. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxxxxxxxd oxt ExX axr axxxxxxxxn dxxxxxxe to xxxm bxxxxe it's at mxx. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Rxxxxd vxxxxe of dxxxxxt sxxxxs (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Ixxxxxxxd dxxxxxxe of xp rxxxxd sxxxxs (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Rxxxxd vxxxxe of dxxxxxt sxxxxs sxxxxxxy. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Lxxxxxd rxxxxy lxxd exxxxe nxxxxs on Txxxxs. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxd hi-fxxxxxxxy txxxxxxs mxxxxxg to txe txxxxxxs sxxxd (chuc)
SOUNDS: Rxxxxxxd cxxxxe to txxxxxxs sxxxd bxxk to sxxxl-sxxxk exxxxt. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Txxxxs to dxxxxxt sxxxxs. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Lxxxxxd vxxxxe of wxxk x sxxxxt sxxxxs. Pxxt x of dxxxxxc rxxxe oxxxxxxl. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Dxxxxxc Rxxxe oxxxxxxl Pxxt x (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Ixxxxxxxd dxxxxxxe of xp rxxxxxs on lxxs of hxxxxxxd wxxxxxs (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Cxxxxxxxd lxxxs of xp rxxxxd sxxxxs nxt bxxxg in sxxc wxxh axxxxxxxxs (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Mxxe hxxh-exd axxxd to xp xxxm fxxxxg sxxxd. (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxd AxxxU xp rxxxxd sxxxd nxt bxxxg dxxxxxd as a xD sxxxd. (jaymz)

HUD: Bxxxd nxw Rxxxxxn HxD's, cxxxxxxxxxs of Gxxe axd Axxx. Nxw Sxxxxxxl gxxxxr sxxxt, Fxxxd Bxxx Gxxxxr sxxxt. Bxxxd nxw Rxxxxxn Txxk/AxC cxxxxxxxr sxxxt. (jaymz)
HUD: Uxxxxxd wxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs (ancientman)
HUD: Fxxxd cxd wxxh Bxxx xxxxx mxxxxxxs (jaymz)
HUD: Axxxd cxxxe fxxe mxxxxxe to cxxm rxxe. (dbzao)
HUD: Dxxxxxxd oxxxxxe on txe cxxxxxs sxxxxxxy (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd sxxxxxl axxxxxy ixxxs to gxxxxxe txxp axd Rxxx AT gxxxxxe (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd a fxw nxw vxxxxxe pxxxxxxxr ixxxs (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd dxxxxxxxt exxxxxt rxxxxxxs (axc axd hxxo) axd rxxxxr rxxxxxt to SL cxxm rxxe. (dbzao)
HUD: Axxxd nxw UxV txxxxxr axd rxxxxr dxxxt ixxxs to Cxxc's Ixxxs fxxxxr (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd uxxxxe Wxxxxxr sxxxxxg ixxn (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd a nxxxxr of nxw vxxxxxe pxxxxxxxr ixxxs (chuc)
HUD: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs (chuc)
HUD: Rxxxd Mxxx Pxxa sxxxxxxxn ixxn (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd nxw sxxxxxxxn ixxxs fxr Axxx no bxxxxxt (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd x nxw axxxxn ixxxs fxxm [R-CxM]Vxxxxxxxxn (ancientman)
HUD: Gxxe Axxxxxxxy IxD ixs oxn ixxn (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd axd uxxxxxd a wxxxe bxxxh of sxxxxxxxn ixxxs (chuc)
HUD: Cxxxxxd Gxxxxxxx on gxxxxxc AxC HxD to axxxd cxxxxxxt. (egor)
HUD: Axxxd bxxxxxxxg sxxg sxxxxxl axxxxxy ixxn (chuc)
HUD: Uxxxxxd a fxw sxxxxxxxn ixxxs (chuc)

BUILDS: Fxxxd bxg wxxxe pxxxxn axxxxs wxxxn't dxxxxxd fxxm cxxe bxxxd. (egor)

VEHICLES: rxxxxxd mxxxxxa sxxxxxt jxxp, no lxxxxr uxxd dxe to bxxxxxxs axd cxxxxxxxs (fuzzhead)
VEHICLES: Sxt vxxxxxxs to lxxe oxxy xxp wxxn uxxxxe dxxn so txxy'll lxxt mxxh lxxxxr. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Txxxxxxxxxg oxxxxt txxt dxxxn't exxxt fxxm Fxx. (dbzao)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd zxxm.cxxxxxxxxxt ixxxe in rxxxxxxxxxx. (dbzao)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxd pxxxxxt lxxxxxg sxxxd fxxm axxxxxr. (dbzao)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd lxxk txxe/bxxxs fxr sxxxxxr axd gxxxxn. (egor)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxr to uxe nxw (fxxxd) hxd. (egor)
VEHICLES: Axxxd fxxxd up sxxc mxp on txe rxxxxxn lxxxxxxxs txxxxs (chuc)
VEHICLES: Lxxxxxd pxxxxxxxxe dxxp on Axxxxk Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxs to sxxxxxxe axxo-rxxxe fxxxxxs. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd fxxxd Lxxx txxxxxxs to txe rxxo. (rhino)
VEHICLES: Nxw BxR-xx axxxd (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Nxw BxR-xx axxxd (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxxe gxxxxxl PR'ixxxxxn to txe nxw BxR-xx. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd vxxxxxxs to dxxxxy fxxxxxn sxxxxxxc sxxxxy cxxxxs. (dbzao)
VEHICLES: lxxs axxxd to BxR-xx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd dxxxxxg on BxR-xx wxxxxs. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd up BxP-x dxxxxxg. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd txe Lxxx mxxh axd txxxxxxs. (rhino)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd sxxxxy cxxxxs to be dxxxxxt rxxxt-cxxxk on lxxxxxxxs txxxxs. Rxxxxxd bxxxxp bxxp fxxm txxxxs. Axxxd txe rxxxxr cxxxe to Fxxxe kxy. (dbzao)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd txe Lxxx fxxm Txxxn axd axxo axxxd txe txxxk bxxk in txxt I by mxxxxxe dxxxxxd hxxe. (rhino)
VEHICLES: Axxxd gxxxxxc, uxxxxxxxe, AxC pxxxxxxxr vxxxxxg pxxt to Bxxxxxy, Lxxxx axd Wxxxx. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd a "wxxxxxxd" vxxxxxn of txe Lxxx wxxxxxt axr fxxxxxs to txe rxxo, pxxxxxt on Qxxxxxg AxS xxp, nxxxs txxxxxg to cxxxxxm ixs fxxxy wxxxxxg txxu sxxxxxn't hxxe axy pxxxxxxs. (rhino)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxxxxxxd txe txo dxxxxxxxxs sxxxxxg on txe bxxk of txe Mxxx to be sxxxxxg dxxn on txe bxxxxxs. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Gxxe a lxxxxn in "uxxxg a sxxt xxx" to Mxxxxn pxxxxxxxxs. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Pxt Bxxxxxxxk pxxxxxxxxs x x x ixxo sxxxs (Pxxxxxxxr x is so exxxxd he's on txe exxe of hxs sxxt, lxxxxxxxy!x (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd gxxxxxc pxxxxxxxr HxD to Bxxxxxy pxxxxxxxxs (falkun)
VEHICLES: Axxxd cxxxxa to T-xx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Axxxd zxxm cxxxxxxxxy to Gxxxxn gxxxxr (chuc)
VEHICLES: Axxxd x rxxr sxxxs to UxZ jxxxs (egor)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd cxxxxa pxxxxxxxs of Wxxxx in oxxxr to axxxd z-fxxxxxxg ixxxxs. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxxxxxxd Sxxxxxr pxxxxxxxr vxxxs to axxxd z-fxxxxxxg (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd gxxxxxc pxxxxxxxr HxD to Wxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd rxxxxm dxxxxxxxe of Txx cxxxxa. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd pxxxxxxxxs rxxxxxxg in txxxr sxxxs on txe Mxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxxxxxd UH-xx pxxxxxxxxs rxxxxxxg in txxxr sxxxs. (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Cxxxxr axxxxxxd txe Hxxy to be cxxxxr to txe bxxxxh mxxxl on txe Cxxxa (chuc)
VEHICLES: Axxxd dxxxxt/wxxxxxxd txxxxxe vxxxxxxs fxr vxxxxxs axr vxxxxxxs (chuc)
VEHICLES: Sxt cxxxxxs bxxh Axxxxe vxxxxxxs to rxxxxxt txxxr RL cxxxxxxxxxxs. (jaymz)

GENERAL: x rxxxxxd wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxs to x fxr axl vxxxxxxs (fuzzhead)
GENERAL: x axl vxxxxxxs wxxh wxxxxxxxxy txxe xxxx axd wxxxk HP xxxx (fuzzhead)
GENERAL: Fxxxd ixxxe wxxh bxxxd sxxxxt axxxxxxxg .sxn fxxxs in txe sxxxxxxxxxxxxt.zxp. (dbzao)
GENERAL: Axxxxxt to lxxd PR sxxxxxs wxxxxxt uxxxg pr.exe. Rxxxxxd wxxxxxg vxxxo. (dbzao)
GENERAL: Sxt rxxxxr dxxp txxxxxxe to uxe nxw rxxxxr dxxp fxxm Rxxxo. (jaymz)
GENERAL: Axxxd rxxxxxxxg cxxe to nxw rxxxxr dxxp. (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxd rxxxxr dxxp sxxxxxg dxxn hxxxs. NxxxS TxxxxxG. (jaymz)
GENERAL: Oxxy oxe rxxxxr dxxp axxxxxd at a txxe. (jaymz)
GENERAL: Sxt rxxxxr dxxp to dxxxxxxxr axxxr xxxxxs. (jaymz)
GENERAL: Pxxxxxx uxxxxe fxxm Fxx. (jaymz)
GENERAL: Rxxxxxd dxxxy txxxr on rxxxxr dxxp to xxxxs. (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxd sxxxxy cxxxe cxxxxxxg bxxxxxe of dxxxxxt.dxs txxxxxe rxxxxxxxxs (chuc)
GENERAL: x gxxe ixxxxxxxt sxxxxr SxS (fuzzhead)
GENERAL: x gxxe ixxxxxxxt axxxm ixxxxxxe (fuzzhead)
GENERAL: rxxxxxxd lxxt (jaymz)
GENERAL: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxr pxxxe axd jxxp dxxxxs to be lxxxxr bxxxxxn txxxxxxxxxxs, sxxxxd sxxxe a lxt of txe dxxxxxn dxxxxg as txxxe's a x sxxxxd dxxxy fxxm lxxxxxg a jxxp to gxxxg to pxxxe, as wxxl as sxxxxxxg up fxxm pxxxe (axxxxxr x sxxs) (chuc)

OBJECTS: Fxxxd ixxxe wxxh sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Fxxxd ixxxxs wxxh txxxxxn axd mxxxxxxxxxt sxxxxxxs. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Axxxd fxxxxxxxxxxxr oxxxxt. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Axxxd pxxxxxx dxxxy oxxxxt. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Fxxxd dxxxxxxxxe xxxxxs axd pxxxxxx txxxxxe cxxxxxxg (wxxxe is my F dxxxe? D (chuc)
OBJECTS: Axxxd nxw fxxxxxxxxxn oxxxxt to cxxxxe ixxxxxxxe sxxxn pxxxxs. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Axxxd txe "rxxxxxxxxxp" to txe rxxo, nxxxs cxxxxg. (rhino)
OBJECTS: Uxxxxe pxxxxxxxxxxxxxe to be a sxxxxxxxxxxt. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Axxxd fxxxxxn sxxxxxxc sxxxxy cxxxxs. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Axxxd txe fxxxxxn sxxxxxxc sxxxxy cxxxxs "wxxxxxs" to be axxxd to txe txxxxs/hxxxs. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Uxxxxxd fxxxxxn sxxxxxxc sxxxxy cxxxxs to oxxy gxxe axxo to hxs oxn txxm. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Axxxxxt to mxxe sxxxxy cxxxxs nxt dxxxxxxxxxxe by sxxxl axxs. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxr fxxxs fxr sxxxxy cxxxxs to uxe ixxxxxxxxl gxxs (chuc)
OBJECTS: Axxxd fxxxxxn sxxxxxxc txxxxxxs to sxxxxy cxxxxs (chuc)
OBJECTS: Uxxxxxd txe Axxo Dxxp txxxxxxs txxu txxy wxxl nxxd axxxxxr uxxxxe in dxe txxe. (rhino)
OBJECTS: Axxxd txe Vxxxxxe Dxxxxt to txe rxxo. (rhino)
OBJECTS: Axxxxxt to fxx CxD of mxxxxxg txxxxxe by txe vxxxxxe dxxxxt, uxxxxe as to wxy ixs exxxxxxxg txe oxxxxt lxxe txxs. (rhino)
OBJECTS: Axxxd txxxxxn sxxxxy cxxxe (nxxxs txxxxxe Cxxc)x (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Axxxd txxxxxn sxxxxy cxxxe txxxxxe (chuc)
OBJECTS: Axxxd fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe axd txe fxxxxxn vxxxxxxs to be pxxxxd by mxxxxxs. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Fxxxd rxxxxxxxe dxxxy oxxxxt. (dbzao)
OBJECTS: Axxxd uxxxxxd axxo dxxp bxx txxxxxe fxxm dxxv (chuc)
OBJECTS: Axxxd nxw Dxxxxxxxxe Sxxxxxr to txe rxxo. (rhino)
OBJECTS: Axxxd nxw Dxxxxxxxxe IxxA DxxxxT AA to txe rxxo. (rhino)
OBJECTS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxy cxxxe txxxxxe wxxh dxxv's sxxxxs axd rxxxs (chuc)
OBJECTS: Fxxxd mxxxxxg Bxxxxxh fxxg on txe Bxxxxxh sxxxxy cxxxe dxxxs (chuc)

LOCALIZATION: uxxxxxd axxxxr axd sxxe oxxxr cp nxxxs (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: uxxxxxd mxp nxxxs fxr fxxxxxxh, uxxxxxd vxxxxxn nxxxxr to xxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: uxxxxxd cp nxxxs fxr kxxxxxk (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: uxxxxxd sxxe txxs (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Uxxxxxd sxxe mxxs cp nxxxs (ancientman)
LOCALIZATION: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd CxC mxxxxxxs. (dbzao)
LOCALIZATION: uxxxxxs to sxxe cp nxxxs (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: uxxxxxd cp nxxxs (fuzzhead)

FONTS: Uxxxxxd cp fxxt axxxn, nxw it's pxxxxxt xx (ancientman)
FONTS: Uxxxxxd CP fxxt cxxxxr to wxxxe (ancientman)

WEAPONS: Mxxxd to bxxt to pxxxxr pxxxxxxxs on txe PxxH (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxxxt to fxx fxxxxg/pxxxxxxg sxxxd bxxxg hxxxd by exxxxxxe wxxh txe gxxxxxe txxp axd txxxxxxxe (chuc)
WEAPONS: ixxxxxxxd txxxxxxxe mxxxxxxt to x (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Axxxxxxxd to fxx txe xp gxxxxl dxxxxxxg txxr sxxxd (axa txe fxxt sxxxd) (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd sxxe cxxxxxl pxxxxxxxxe ixxxxs. (dbzao)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd axxxxxxxxxxt pxxxxxxxxe ixxxe. (dbzao)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd axxxxxxd oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe. (dbzao)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd sxxxxy pxxxxxxxxs fxxm mxxxs cxxxxxxxn cxxxxxxxt. (dbzao)
WEAPONS: Axxxd mxxxe sxxxxxxxxxy mxd to sxxxxd exxxxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd ixxxxxxxt sxxxn sxxxxxxxn sxxxxn ixxn fxr txe Axxx (wxxd) sxxxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd uxxxxxd exxx dxxxxy axxxxxxxxs, wxxh nxw exxx txxxk fxxe fxxm dxxv (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd exxx txxxk fxxe (chuc)
WEAPONS: Nxw ExxX Rxxxxxe fxxm Dxxxxxxxy (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Hxxd bxxxxxg axxxd wxxn sxxxxxxxg axxxd oxxy to Mxxxx, bxxxxxxxxs axd GxxD fxr txxxxxg (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd hxxd bxxxxxg to nxxxxxxs wxxxxxs (nxt axl of txxm yxt) (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd hxxd bxxxxxg in sxxxxt axxxxxxxxs to axl wxxxxxs (pxxw) (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd Sxxxxxxn fxxxxg sxxxd axd txxxxxd sxxe of ixs axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt axl Axxx vxxxxxxs to uxe x.xxxxxxm axxxxxxxxn (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd sxxxt dxxxy on Bxxxxxi Mx sxxxxxn sxxxe it's sxxi-axxo. (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axl xxxm/xxxm HE-I rxxxxs gxxxn rxxxxxxxc exxxxxxxn rxxxxs'x xxxm x xm, xxxm x xm. Exxxxxxxn dxxxxe dxxxxxd, pxxxxxxxxe dxxxxe rxxxxxd. (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd fxxm Pxxxe txe rxxxxxd xxxx sxxxe txxxxxe (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd fxxxxxxg bxxt on txe ixxe axxxxxxxn fxr txe GP-xx by rxxxxxxg txe ixxe axxxxxxxn (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd sxxxxxxr sxxxxt axxxxxxxn on txe Mxxxx sxxxxd fxr txxxxxg pxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxd dxxn axl sxxxxt axxxxxxxxs cxxxxa mxxxxxxt to jxxt an up axd dxxn axxs of mxxxxxxt, sxxxxd be lxxs nxxxxxxxxg (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd txe sxxxxxxxs on txe AT-x (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxxxxxd oxxxxxxt on LxG's. xx rxxxxs to oxxxxxxt. (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Hxxxxd ixxxxxxxy of sxxxxt hxxd bxxxxxg fxr axl wxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd sxxxxt axxxxxxxxs to nxxxxxl. (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd AxM Bxxxxxt fxxm UxI (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd mxxxxxg cxxxxxxxn mxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd AT mxxe sxxxxt axxxxxxxn (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd bxxt pxxxxxxn wxxn mxxxxg in zxxm fxr txe PxxH (chuc)
WEAPONS: Exxxy hxxxs axxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd mxxxxxm rxxxe of MxxxxxS fxxm xxxm to axy vxxxxxxe dxxxxxxe. (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd mxxxxg bxxt to Lxx axd Lxxxx Axxx wxxxe fxxxxg (uxxxxe to pxt it on txe sxxxxxxd rxxxxs as txxy dxn't hxxe txe bxxt sxxxxxxe) (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw Mxx rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd xp hxxxxxg axxxxxxxn fxr txe mxxxxxg (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp sxxxxxxxxg axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd sxxxxxxg kxxxe axxxxxxxn (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd RxF cxp of txe Mxxxx Bxxxxxi sxxxxxn to kxxp wxxh txe ixxxxxxd sxxi-axxo fxxe rxxe (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd mxxxxxxe sxxe to x rxxxxs, x sxxxe (xx txxxl) on txe Mxxxx Bxxxxxi sxxxxxn (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd a mxxe pxxxxxe sxxxt dxxxy to txe pxxp axxxxn sxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxv xp rxxxxd rxxxxe (chuc)
WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd rxxxxl on txe Axxx axd Axxxm sxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd up Rxxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Pxxxh txxxxs on txe Axxxm axd AxxxxU fxxe sxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd sxxe sxxxd rxxxxxxxxs axd sxxxxs on txe Gxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxa xxk rxxxxxxxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd QxZ bxxxxt txxxxxxs fxxm Pxxxxxxy (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw Mxxx dxxxxxxd dxxxxy sxxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt txe Mxxx to uxe dxxxxxxxt pxxxe hxxxxxxg axxxxxxxxs bxxxxxn dxxxxxxd axd uxxxxxxxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt txe Hxxx to uxe dxxxxxxxt pxxxe hxxxxxxg axxxxxxxxs bxxxxxn dxxxxxxd axd uxxxxxxxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt txe PxM axd Axxxxs to uxe dxxxxxxxt pxxxe hxxxxxxg axxxxxxxxs bxxxxxn dxxxxxxd axd uxxxxxxxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd up Rxxxxxxxxxe xp axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd no bxxxxxt vxxxxxxs of Axxx's fxr bxxh ixxxxxxxxs axd gxxxxxc rxxxxxn wxxxxxs. (katarn)
WEAPONS: Axxxd txe no bxxxxxt axxx gxxxxxxy (katarn)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd txe Lxxxx ixxxxxxxxs axd sxxxt vxxxxxn bxxxxxxxxxxxs wxxh dxxxxxxd cxxxxxxg hxxxxxs (katarn)
WEAPONS: Bxxxxxxxxxs Axxx axxxxxxxxs axxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Lxxxx ixxn axd sxxxt axxxxxxxxs wxxh txe sxxxxxxxd bxxt (chuc)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx sxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxd Axx xp axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: rxxxxxd axxo cxxxxxr fxr rxxxxxn txxxxm RxG (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: rxxxxxd axxo cxxxxxr fxr rxg-x (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp Pxxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp Pxxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd xp sxxxxxxg axd fxxe axxxxxxxn on txe Sxxxxxr axd SA-x (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxd Axxxm sxxxe axd UxL zxxm axd fxxe xp axxxxxxxxs so txxt txe exe is lxxxxxg txxxxxh txe sxxxe (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxd Qxxxx sxxxe pxxxe sxxxl axd fxxe xp axxxxxxxxs so txxt txe exe is lxxxxxg txxxxxh txe sxxxe (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd fxxxd dxxxxxxg rxxxxxxxxxxg sxxxxxxh fxxm xx% to xx% (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd ixxxx x Rxxx vxxxxxt (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd rxxxd wxxh sxxe axxxxxxxxs axd sxxxxs on txe Nxxxxxo sxxxxxn (chuc)
WEAPONS: Qxxxx UxL pxxxe xp sxxxd axd fxxe axxxxxxxn rxxxxxxxxxt (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd rxxxd wxxh sxxe xp axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Exxxxd SxD txxxxxe (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxn bxxxxxxt bxxxh sxxxs ixxxxxxxd to xx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd bxxxxxxt dxxxxxf dxxxxxxe fxr dxxxxe to xxm (chuc)
WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd dxxxxe of bxxxxxxt fxxm xx pxr pxxxxt to xx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Gxxxxxe lxxxxxxr ixxxxt exxxxxxxn pxxxxxxxxs mxxxxxd to txxt of hxxd gxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxxxd Axxxm Gxxx rxxxxd axxxxxxxn to txe Qxxxx Lxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp Axxx UxL rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd x sxxxe zxxm cxxxxxxxxy to sxxxxxxxxy Axxxs axd axxxd sxxxxh zxxm txxxxxxxxxxs fxr AxxxS axd AA (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd AR sxxxxs xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxn uxxxxe fxr bxxxxxxt sxxxxxxs. (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd axxxxd sxxe xp axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd xp axxxxxxxxs fxr txe Axxxxxxxy sxxxl IxD (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd Axxxxs dxxxxxxd bxxxg axxe to sxxxt in wxxxe sxxxxxxg (chuc)
WEAPONS: Mxxe xp axxxxxxxn txxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxd Axxxm ixxxxxxxt cxxxxr to txe cxxxxa (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxd Lxx xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn wxxh txe rxxxxd sxxxd (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Axxx axd Axxxxu rxxxxd sxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Exxxxd Exxxy hxxxs axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd cxxxxm Gxxxx xp pxxxe sxxxl axd fxxe axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd cxxxxm Qxxxx xp pxxxe sxxxl axd fxxe axxxxxxxxs (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd cxxxxm Mxx, Mxxxx, Lxx axd Axxx xp pxxxe sxxxl axd fxxe axxxxxxxxs (chuc)

MUSIC: Nxw Rxxxxxn wxn/lxxe txxxxs. (jaymz)

STATICS: Axxxd nxw dxxxxxxxxe xxxxl nxxt axd pxxxxxx fxxm Cxxxxxxxxx. (jaymz)
STATICS: Fxxxd txe txxxxxn cxxxr axd axxxd lxxs axd ixxxxxxxd txe cxxl dxxxxxxe fxr a fxw oxxxxxs. (rhino)
STATICS: Nxw dxxl-pxxxxxe dxxxxxxxxe rxxxxxxxe fxxm Fxx. (jaymz)

ASSETS: Axxxd nxw lxxx txxxxxxs I jxxt mxxe fxr Txxxn in .pxd fxxxxt to txe rxxo. (rhino)
ASSETS: Axxxd rxxxxr cxxxe axd bxxh rxxxxxxxxg txxxxxxxt ixxxs to Cxxc's Ixxxs (chuc)
ASSETS: Uxxxxxd nxw rxxxxxxxe to sxxxn as wxxxk. Fxxxd sxxe dxxxy oxxxxxs. (dbzao)
ASSETS: Rxxxxxxd rxxxxxxxe sxxxxxxg wxxxk as it axxxxxxy dxxxn't hxxe a wxxxk mxxxl. (dbzao)

MENU: Uxxxxxd fxxxs uxxd in mxxxs (ancientman)
MENU: Uxxxxxd CP nxxe fxxt, sxxxxd be exxxxr to rxxd on mxxe mxxs nxw (ancientman)
MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxs (nxxxs a gxxd lxxk at fxr axy cxxxxxxxxxs) (ancientman)

PROJECTILES: Ixxxxxxxd x.xx dxxxxe dxxp oxf fxxm xxxm->xxxm (jaymz)

MATERIALS: Wxxxxh is nxw uxxd fxr Mxxe Rxxxxxl, nxxxxxg exxe. (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Rxxxxxxd wxxxxh bxxxg uxxd fxr Mxxe rxxxxxl. Nxt nxxxxd.xx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Sxt Ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe to dxxxxxy mxxxs. (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Pxxxxxxxd sxxxxl fxxm dxxxxxxxg lxxxxxxxs. (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Lxxxxxd dxxxxe of Bxxxxxxxg rxxxxs vs Mxxxl Pxxxxxg (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Hxxxxxxxs fxxm pxxxxxxxxxs lxxxr txxn xxxxl no lxxxxr cxxxe un-rxxxxxxxe dxxxxs. (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Axxxxxr axxxxxt to mxxe ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxxs dxxxxxy mxxxs. (jaymz)

EFFECTS: Fxxxd ixxxe wxxh exxxxxxxe exxxxt. (dbzao)
EFFECTS: Sxt Cx to uxe Xxxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxt (jaymz)

VEGETATION: Fxxxd sxxe dxxxg axxxxxxxxs in wxxxxxxxxxxxxxp (Rxxxo, pxz cxxxk to mxxe sxxe it's wxxxxxg ok)x (dbzao)
dbzao is offline
Old 2008-12-31, 21:37   #2

=EB=Reaper's Avatar
Default Re: [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

Some one get un-coding this :P
=EB=Reaper is offline
Old 2008-12-31, 21:40   #3
Default Re: [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

O.o Even longer than the first two times...

that's what she said
McBumLuv is offline
Old 2008-12-31, 21:56   #4

steve_06-07's Avatar
Default Re: [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

I give up.
steve_06-07 is offline
Old 2008-12-31, 22:05   #5
Retired PR Developer

crazy11's Avatar
Default Re: [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

Originally Posted by McLuv View Post
O.o Even longer than the first two times...
No, its definitely shorter.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.- Wayne Gretzky
crazy11 is offline
Old 2008-12-31, 22:18   #6

=Romagnolo='s Avatar
Default Re: [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

I dont want build codes, me watz PR 0.85 !
=Romagnolo= is offline
Old 2008-12-31, 22:31   #7

Maxfragg's Avatar
Default Re: [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

wohoo, we get new deployable antiair
Maxfragg is offline
Old 2008-12-31, 22:31   #8

mp5punk's Avatar
Default Re: [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

wait what does this stuff do?
mp5punk is offline
Old 2008-12-31, 22:38   #9
Retired PR Developer

crazy11's Avatar
Default Re: [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

Its where the Devs log the changes they did to the build, if I am correct.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.- Wayne Gretzky
crazy11 is offline
Old 2008-12-31, 22:40   #10
Supporting Member

DesmoLocke's Avatar
Default Re: [Changelog] PR v0.853 third test build

NO!!! I was hoping for a 0.85 release for the New Year! I am eagerly awaiting like everyone else. I will get my buddy at the NSA to get this decoded...

PR player since 0.5 (Feb 2007)
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