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Old 2013-03-07, 21:20   #1

Adalaxy's Avatar
Default Opinion on How To Be a Good Subordinate: Cmdr.'s Intent, Initiative and Awareness

Helpful Reading:
Mech/Light Infantry Platoon Army Manual
US Army Ranger Manual
Marine Corps Commanders Tactical Hand Book

First off let me start off with a big hello! This is my first post with any real information so take it easy on me in the reply's. I love reading military manuals and playing PR, this article actually started out with me merging the two. So I hope you read it all, skip the definitions if you have to. I use to play .97 to .973 but lack of worthy computer/connection forced me to stop. Because I love the concept of a team working together to achieve a common goal I wanted to write this for new or veteran players I see and played with who just never seem to grasp fully of what is going on or what they should be doing. I am not going to discuss in detail the roles each kit plays during particular tactical tasks for that's up to players to determine at the given moment. I'll try to give a few good examples to help with application or visualization.

In this write up I will be touching on subjects that I recommend you explore in detail on your own. Ask most skilled anybody and they will tell you that self practice is where the skill is really earned. It is up to you to improve your skill and in a sandbox environment like PR there are many many tip's and techniques you yourself can learn or discover or create to help you survive. Then, later on you can become a proactive warrior on the battlefield that other players flock to your squad. And follow every order because they know you are always on track. Remember strength in numbers never hurt. TRAIN, BE VIGILANT AND ANTICIPATE.

Most people would begin by talking about individual soldier techniques but I believe that is a mistake. When working as a team you work under the command of another. You must understand that as a commander he is not there to boss you around. Here is there to keep the team cohesive and focused on a common goal. He is there to digest the intelligence you give him. He's there to think about your problems for you so all you have to think about is your aim. When a team comes together to work the commander always has a goal in mind. This goal is usually referred to as the COMMANDERS INTENT. Remember those words. Its your job as a soldier to determine and comprehend the COMMANDERS INTENT and to act in accordance to it. Anticipate the intent. Your squad leader will and your platoon leader will, depending on the organization of the team. Anticipate your leader and your team members needs. COMMANDERS INTENT is the same as SQUAD LEADERS INTENT or if your acting solo YOUR MISSION INTENT.

According to Marine Manual MCRP 3-11.1 Commander's Tactical Handbook there are a certain number of tactical tasks you can and will be required to perform as a team. These tasks are designed for Company Level Commanders and below. Perfect for PR since a full team is ABOUT a Company sized combined arms team. I found that for myself actually reading these tasks led to a better understanding of what I would be required to do individually when asked to do these things. I'm going to list all of them verbatim for thoroughness though some will be unnecessary due to lack of discipline and training and cooperation needed to perform them.

Try to think of your duties based on kit when asked to perform one of these tasks.
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A surprise attack by fire from concealed positions on a moving or temporarily halted enemy.

Fires employed to destroy the enemy from a distance, normally used when the mission does not dictate or support occupation of the objective. This task is usually given to the supporting element during the offensive and as a counterattack option for the reserve during defensive operations. Attack by fire is NOT done with a maneuvering force, this means do not perform ATTACK BY FIRE if a breach team is closing on the target/objective.

1. A tactical task assigned to a unit which requires it to deny the enemy access to a given area or to prevent enemy advance in a given direction or an avenue of approach. It may be for a specific time. Units assigned this mission may have to retain terrain and accept decisive engagement. EXAMPLE: You may be forced for the good of the team to fight a firefight you know you will lose, so medics can work or CAS can re-arm.
2. An obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort to stop an attacker on a specific avenue of approach or to prevent the enemy from exiting the engagement area.

A tactical task where any mean available are employed to break through or secure a passage through an enemy defense. minefield, or fortification.

A tactical task which involves maneuvering around an obstacle, position or enemy force to maintain momentum of advance. Bypassed obstacle and enemy forces are reported to higher headquarters.

A tactical task used to restrict operation to a narrow zone by the use of obstacles, fires, and/or unit maneuvering or positioning. EXAMPLE: Forcing your enemy into a narrow pass for a final attack but not from ambush.

A tactical task to remove all enemy forces from a specific location area or zone. EXAMPLE: This one is important. Do not just look in the building, look around it and on top of it. look for enemies looking at it.

A tactical task used to restrict enemy movement.

A form of offensive operation in which an attack by a part or all of a defending force is made against an enemy attacking force, for such purposes as regaining lost ground, cutting off or destroying lead enemy units, and with the general objective of regaining the initiative and denying the enemy attainment of his goal or purpose in attacking.

Fires employed to destroy to destroy the enemy from a distance, normally used when the mission does not dictate or support occupation of the objective. This task is usually given to the supporting element during the offensive and as a counterattack option for the reserve during defensive operations. An attack by fire is not done with a maneuvering force.

Usually conducted when the commander needs time to concentrate, preserve, or withdraw forces;
to establish defensive's in greater depth; to economize in an area; to cover a defending or withdrawing unit; to protect a freiindly units flank; or to complete offensive actions elsewhere. In the delay, the destruction of the enemy force is secondary to slowing his advance to gain time.

A tactical task to physically render an enemy force to combat-ineffective unless reconstituted.

A tactical task or obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort to break apart an enemy's formation and tempo, interrupt the enemy's timetable, cause premature commitment of enemy forces, and.or the piece mealing of his attack.

1.A tactical task in which actions are taken to prevent the enemy from moving any part of his forces from a specified location or for a specified period of time by holding or surrounding them to prevent their withdrawal for use elsewhere. 2. A tactical obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort to slow an attacker within a specified area-normally an engagement area.

An operation in which a committed force follows a force conducting an offensive operation and is prepared to continue the mission of the force it is following when that force is fixed, attrited, or otherwise unable to continue. Such a force is not a reserve ,but is committed to accomplish specified tasks.

An operation in which a committed force follows and supports the mission accomplishment of a force conducting an offensive operation. Such a force is not a reserve, but is committed to accomplish certain tasks.

A tactical task which is oriented on the enemy to prevent, hinder. or delay the use of an area or route by enemy forces.

A tactical task given to a unit to seal off (both physically and psychologically) an enemy from its sources of support , to deny an enemy freedom of movement, and prevent an enemy unit from having contact with other enemy forces. An enemy must not be allowed sanctuary within its present position

To render enemy personnel or material incapable of interfering with a particular operation

A tactical task in which a force moves onto an objective, key terrain, or other man made or natural terrain area without opposition and controls that area.

The breaking through of the enemy's defense and disrupting the defensive systems.

An operation in which, by direction of higher authority, all or part of a unit is replaced in an area by the incoming unit. The responsibilities of the replaced elements for the mission and the assigned zone of operation are transferred to the incoming unit. The incoming unit continues the operation as ordered.

A tactical task to occupy and hold a terrain feature to ensure it is free of enemy occupation or use.

A form of retrograde operation; a directed, rearward movement by a force that is not in contact with the enemy and does not anticipate significant contact with the enemy.

A tactical task to gain possession of a position or terrain feature, with or with out force, and to deploy in a manner which prevents its destruction or loss to enemy action The attacking may or may not have to physically occupy the area.

A task to maintain surveillance; provide early warning to the main body; or impede, destroy, and harass enemy reconnaissance within its capabilities.

A form of security operation whose primary task is to protect the main force by fighting to gain time, while also observing and reporting information, to prevent enemy ground observation of and direct fire against the main body by reconnoitering, attacking, defending, and delaying. A guard force normally operates with in the range of the main body's indirect fire weapons.

Shelter or protection from the enemy observation that reduces the effects of enemy direct and indirect fires.

A tactical task to clear a designates area and obtain control of it.

A tactical task by which a maneuver element moves to a position on the battlefield where it can engage the enemy by direct fire to support a maneuvering force by either support by fire by over watching or by establishing a base of fire

A type of retrograde operation where a force in contact plans to disengage from the enemy and move in a direction away from the enemy.

A type of retrograde where a force disengages and moves directly away from the enemy while the enemy is attacking

**************MORE TACTICAL TASKS*************

A momentary pause in unit movement. Usually to LISTEN and LOOK for enemy activity.

To seek immediate camouflage cover to prevent the enemy from detecting you. High concealment is favored of better cover in this task. (think hiding from close enemy or thermal equipped enemy)
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Your place and duties during these operation will be based on your kit. If you are a tanker or a pilot or just a regular Rifleman your job is to support your team by performing your task or with your kit with as much speed and aggression that can be brought. Also remember your useless to your team if you wind up dying right before they need your kit. Stay Protected.

Now that you know the definitions of the tactical tasks from the commanders point of view lets look at SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. But your probably going wait a minute! How do we get to situitational awareness before addressing how these tactical tasks apply to the Squad leader and the Subordinates? Well honestly, in my own opinion, all of your basics actions on the battlfield are a result of applying COMMANDERS INTENT to SITUATIONAL AWARENESS and SITUATIONAL AWARENESS to COMMANDERS INTENT. So instead of knowing what to do you can figure it out on the fly. This is assuming your an honest little soldier who fights hard for his buddies and the team, as trolls and lazy gamers do not do this. Now im going to break the fourth wall of my write up to say this: SITUTATIONAL AWARENESS is probably the most ancient, important and down right useful skill you could ever hope to develop in your ENTIRE LIFE. Your attention to the situtation at hand will keep you alive on the battlefield and on the highway, in the forest or anywhere danger is. NEVER STOP EXERCISING AND IMPROVING YOUR SITUTIONAL AWARENESS, EVER. Keep a mental picture of the WHOLE battlefield using every availabe source of information, which is easy with the map function in game so use it! Become a Monk or Sherlock Holmes of the battlefield, deduce things about your enemy based on the clues he gives you. INTELLIGENT SOLDIERS get these clues from SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. STAY FOCUSED.

To remain aware you must develop a SCAN and a CHECKLIST/things to scan for. Using a SCAN and personal CHECKLIST is thorough and is something you can fall back on when your disorientated. Pilots in the real world do it and so do good leaders to make sure nothing is left undone. Terrain Scanning techniques in particular are in the military manuals listed above, I suggest you read them. Some things to include in your own SCAN CHECKLIST are: Closest Cover or Concealment to dive into at a moments notice; Your personal 360 security. If your squad leader designates sectors of fire, while moving or while still SCAN these as well; Listen for the enemy; Look around for local terrain that would be useful for ambushing you and observe it again; Status of your weapon. Status of your buddies weapon; Current ammo for ALL weapons. Your weapons plus special weapons like LATs, HATs, Grenadier, Anti Personnel. Keep a running tab on available firepower. And continue to add things to your checklist or remove them based on the situation.

Even as a foot soldier you are a source of information for your COMMANDER. He relies on correct information given in a timely manner. Who better to know whats going on then the people in the thick of it(you)? So be aware of anything and everything and communicate everything pertaining to the enemy to your Squad Leader so that he can collect information to send up the chain. Make a game of it, be the first to detect an enemy. EXAMPLE: That tank you mention hearing to your squad lead would have rolled on your squad had you not said something to get CAS/HAT/LAT directed to you.
Here's the military way of clear concise enemy reporting: the acronym SALUTE

S stands for SIZE. How many enemy did you see? So do not forget to count them!
A stands for ACTIVITY. Are they patrolling? Setting up base? Setting up ambush? Wandering? Are they organized, disorganized?
L stands for LOCATION. A grid location is ideal for communicating to higher up. Direction and distance for local friendlies.
U stands for UNIT. Can you determine if the enemy you see acts like engineers/base builders? recon? infantry on contact patrol? Do they look like crack troops or a bunch of regulars or noobs?
T stands for TIME. When did you see/hear the enemy and for how long?
E stands for EQUIPMENT. What kind of kits were they deployed in? Medics? Anti -armor or -air?

You collect all this information by being situationally aware. A tip to stay aware is to rely on your senses. Use your:

Observe Noise Discipline. Be Quiet and Listen.
Listen to the environments for your enemy and your friends. Your radios for the condition of friendly forces and your role in the developing situation. Your ears will tell you things that your eyes cannot. What kind of guns your enemy may be using or his equipment. Where ALL of his forces are at since they all make noise. Make your enemy pay dearly for "testing" his rifle out at the wrong time. Do not yell out in game if your sneaking or its quiet. Do not call out for Medic in game behind enemy lines that will just compromise your team and make you feel bad. Try to hide your noise behind others noises.

Observe Light Discipline. Hard to apply to PR but worth noting for ARMA.
Always assume your being watched. Scan close and then far and maintain a 360 degree vigil. Look where your friends are not looking, and see that they do not see. Do not rely on others to point out the enemy for you find them yourself. Use your Binocs until 1.0 comes out. See you enemy first and remember that he can now see you. Try to stay hidden at all times, especially when Halted.

When you recon/guard/protect mimic the feline. Stealthy, driven and focused. Get what you need done and get away to safety. Do not be seen but see everything. Move bush to bush. Observe from the inside of a bush when your still. Remember that humans are attracted to movement. You can actually prone across open ground with out notice because of this. Sneak in the valleys and be patient. Sneak in the back way and be patient. When you assault/counterattack mimic the wolves. Close the gap on your enemy. Bring as much violence and noise upon him as you can as this can cause him to hesitate. Nip at his flanks just to test for weakness, by "Nip" I mean Grenadier him or attack by fire with the whole squad. Never let up unless its time to go. Move fast as hell when your attacking, moving between cover or have been spotted. Being shot at? Try running in a zig zag, think about how hard it is to hit someone running this way. Never stop moving while traveling. Stay a grenade blast away from your buddies to prevent bunching, always. Bunching- or stackin- up however has its uses but limited. In Urban environments stacking up allows for a small unit foot print and allows for the entire units firepower be brought to bear on the enemy. It also allows for sneaking great number of people with the foot print of a smaller unit, useful in penetrations and flanking operations<( I picked this up from P*FUNK in one of BlueDrake42's videos, I must confess. But good information so its here!). But above fall you should follow your leader and do as he does or says.

I think that when you combine Commanders Intent with Situitational Awareness you will become a better Subordinate because you will begin to act. I think this because when you combine these aspect there is still room for you, the player, to have as much freedom to complete the current task any way possible, even while being a subordinate. Even a small task you will begin to see can be important. This is not a process but more of a way of thinking. When you start thinking about how you apply to the battlefield based on your kit and where you are in it, it does not matter what kit you have or where you are, you can see for yourself where you are needed and what you need be doing. And when you start to act on this knowledge of what need be doing you are showing INITIATIVE. I hope now that you can see the team is not full of ranks and titles merely different jobs, you could say, and when you know how to be a proactive warrior you see there should be no difference in skill between the leaders or the ones being led. You should be able to pick up the command and carry on the mission, well at least until the Squad Leader get revived.

A single person can have initiative. A squad can and all the way up. Initiative, I think, when it apples to PR, is more of a focus or mind state. If the team is gelling and capturing points and the enemy is generally retreating, they could be said to have the initiative, by making the enemy react to them. But say the enemy counter attacks at a decisive point, maybe a FOB supplying troops to the current objective, and it disrupts the team as they turn their attention to defending the FOB, I would say that they have lost the Initiative. The team is now reacting to the enemy. So Stay Focused. Work the problem. Keep your personal Initiative, Momentum and Focus to force the enemy to react to you.

The Commander is an intelligence job. With some bureaucracy. Its like Chess but your pieces do not always do as you say and you do not know where the enemy pieces are. If your a Crewman, Pilot, Mortar Operator I salute you. These Jobs are clutch jobs being that they can be critical components to a teams success. They require complex training unto themselves. A tanker crew must be very efficient and quick. Same with pilots, quick thinking and lots of training. Then there are the Mortar guys and man there are not enough of you! A team with an effective mortar crew is demoralizing, let me tell you, having been on the receiving end of one. But if your Infantry, your job is a fucking action movie. Its awesome. People actually want to kill you. You know you feel special when that Frogfoot makes pass after pass at you, crap blowing up everywhere and your still alive. Why are you still alive? Because being situationally aware you know when to duck and tell your buddies to duck. Your not worried either. Because your squad now has the said Frogfoots location and your Squad Lead has the Commander mushing CAS your way lickety split. And you get get to watch the fireworks and hear them, too. See, Is not working as a team awesome?

-Adalaxy Tuesday, March 07, 2013

PS i know its long but i hope its entertaining enough! no internet at home = no spell check.
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Old 2013-03-08, 01:50   #2
Default Re: Opinion on How To Be a Good Subordinate: Cmdr.'s Intent, Initiative and Awareness

New content. Always like that.

A lot of these combat tasks are designed for very large areas and large forces that we don't have in Project Reality. I find most of them not being useful to worry about in-game.

Most people would begin by talking about individual soldier techniques but I believe that is a mistake. When working as a team you work under the command of another.
PR has the best teamwork of any multiplayer FPS game when it comes to public gameplay. But I think individual technique is a big deal even for this realistic game. I have a saying that the less players you have in a match, the more that individual skill matters.

Even if you are in a maxed out round of 64 players, 64 players is not that big of a battle. A real battle has thousands of fighters. Even in 64 players individual skill can be a big factor.

Not the only factor since objectives also determine the game, but if you have your killers in the right spot which is near objectives then you got an unstoppable force.
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Old 2013-03-08, 21:13   #3

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Default Re: Opinion on How To Be a Good Subordinate: Cmdr.'s Intent, Initiative and Awareness

You make an excellent point about needing to cover individual soldier techniques however I did not cover it because somebody else has, probably. I also thought these task would be applicable anyway because you can perform most of them by your self, maybe not successfully but solo still.
Adalaxy is offline
Last edited by Adalaxy; 2013-03-08 at 21:26..
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Old 2013-03-09, 13:25   #4
Default Re: Opinion on How To Be a Good Subordinate: Cmdr.'s Intent, Initiative and Awareness

That is true, by definition you can indeed do most of these tasks solo. Most players would not be aware they are doing these things but these tasks are used rather they are conscious about it or not.
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Old 2013-03-11, 01:18   #5
Server Administrator (A-N)

Not this shit again...
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Old 2013-03-19, 02:31   #6
Default Re: Opinion on How To Be a Good Subordinate: Cmdr.'s Intent, Initiative and Awareness

Not your shit again. That's nothing but spam and disrespect.
Cavazos is offline Reply With Quote

awareness, cmdr, good, initiative, intent, opinion, subordinate

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