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Old 2007-07-25, 15:31   #1
Retired PR Developer
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Default Guide to Squad Combat Medic

Guide to Squad Combat Medic
The Combat Medic is very critical role and you need to be on the ball in order to the job effectively. Heres a number of tips that I may or may not make into a full blown guide one day.

- When joining a new squad as a medic, inform all squad members to do the following: If they go down, let the medic know if they were killed or wounded. This saves you the hassle of getting to their positions and trying to revive someone who is unreviveable. Wounded = reviveable, Killed = unreviveable.

- After every major/minor engagement, CHECK YOUR CAPSLOCK SCREEN! If you notice someone in your squad with a grey name, that means they have been hit! Find their location and get to them before 30 seconds.

- The minimap will usually show who is down and revivable (but not always). The minimap is not always reliable and sometimes people who are still revivable might not appear as such on the map. So a combination of looking at the CAPSLOCK screen and recognizing the state of a body (if it's transparent, it's dead). Also checking if there's a kit nearby; if there isn't, then most likely the body is old.

- When the player is critically wounded, he has 2 chances to call out 'Medic' by pressing left click. Each time he does this, it will show up a medic symbol on the minimap for 15 seconds. So if your critically wounded, clicking once every 15 seconds will have your medic-needed symbol appear on the minimap for the duration of your critically wounded timer.

- Always heal a squad member back to full health after reviving.

- If there are multiple squadmates down and your under fire, you may quickly heal a squadmate to 30% or so they do not go into shock and then come back to them once your other squadmates have been revived. REMEMBER that they still need medical attention so when things quiet down a bit you can heal them. A squad at 100% HP will last much longer than a squad at 50% HP.

- If there are multiple squad members down, the squad leader takes priority, get him up first and then attend to the rest.

- Make sure when your squad is making a rallypoint you check the health of each squad member. They may have been hit and not even noticed, this will patch them up to 100% which might be the difference between life and death in the next engagement.

- ALWAYS throw a bandage on a players body before reviving. This does 2 things: it gives that revived player an initial health boost of 15HP from the bandage, and it frees them from the terrain. On hills/slopes and near some statics sometimes a players body can get 'stuck' and make it impossible to revive. By throwing a bandage it unsticks them, allowing them to be revived.

- ALWAYS make sure your defibulators are recharged after every revive. The main advantage is that the next time you go to revive someone, your paddles will already be ready, making the revive that much faster. If you go down and another squadmate has to pick up your kit, there is nothing more annoying than waiting for the medics defibs to charge as your under fire.

- ALWAYS make sure to resupply your bandages and defibulator batteries at the earliest possible convience, being caught without bandages or defibulator means you cannot perform your role as medic.

- Learn to read the battlefield. If the enemy has the superior position and is dominating the firefight, do not try to revive, put fire down range. If your squadmate died in cover, then you can attempt to revive him.

- When non-squadmates go down or need a medic, think before acting. You must notify your squadleader that they need to slow down because a 'blue guy' needs a medic. If your in the middle of a firefight and there is both blue guys and squadmates down, your squadmates take priority! The blue guys will generally never have a medic of their own, so remember that your squad always takes priority over a blue guy (unless its your commander). Once your squad is sorted out then you can help them.

- Using smoke cover takes practice, each situation is different. Generally it is a good thing to throw the smoke as close to the enemy as you can.

- DO NOT throw smoke cover directly on top of your squad, all it does is blind yourself and allows the enemy to assault your position much easier.

- Learn to cut your losses, if you know you cannot get to a man down within the time needed, forget about him. Its a sad thing to leave a man behind, but its a necesary skill to understand in order to maximize your class effectiveness.

- If your currently playing as a different class and your squads medic gets hit, GET HIS KIT AND REVIVE HIM!!!! Its only common courtesy and it will be much appreciated by all squad members, making the life of a medic a little easier.

- Medics will auto-heal injured players while in vehicles. However the medic MUST be located in a back (passenger) seat. If the medic is driving or gunning he will not auto-heal. This is useful just after a firefight and the SL wants to move out quickly, everyone hopes in the APC/Jeep standing by, the medic does not have to heal 3 different guys in a ditch next to the road. Healing can be done while on the move. Also Healing inside an APC can often be safer than standing behind it, when it's stationary.
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Last edited by fuzzhead; 2007-09-07 at 18:38..
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Old 2007-07-27, 16:23   #2
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Mong's No.1 Medic Rule

Dont revive spec ops.

They are always 1 shot away from criticaly wounded and so they are just soaking up prescious shock-paddle charges. Besides, SF is teh_ultimate lone wolf class and is very rarely used for what its is there for.
Also, they are also sex obsessed bastards that never comment on how you look and are only intrested in sport and those skinney magazine models and they never say thank you, but worst of all they leave the toilet seat up and never change the toilet role....

Just had to get that off my chest.


Military lawyers engaged in fierce legal action.
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Old 2007-09-05, 18:42   #3

The thing I hate about medic is how random blues think you should heal them as soon as they spam "I need a medic" 50 times, and if you don't they start shooting at you. It really gets on my nerves.
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Last edited by Bowskill; 2007-09-05 at 18:43.. Reason: naughty word? :o
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Old 2007-09-07, 22:31   #4
Retired PR Developer
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Combat Medic Guide by ZanderArch

== Part 1, what you need. ==
'''A. Hardware wise'''

''1. A Microphone.'' This is very useful since being a medic there are many situations that require you to have an open and free line of communication to your squad, especially when your death is the second most damaging to the squad, after the Squad Leader, of course.

''2. Good sound set up.'' With a good card and EAX on, you can get a better idea in what direction your buddy is that needs you. Not required but might be useful.

'''B. Player wise. (Skills) '''

'' 1. Combat. '' You don't need to be able to take on 5 guys at once if you are going to be playing the Medic, it may help, but it isn't needed. You aren't the squad's primary killer, you are there to keep them alive, if that means shooting an enemy, then do it, but don't be the guy on point or the first one on the front line.

'' 2. Determination. '' If you are going to be a Medic, you have to focus on that job. There are times you will be forced to sit and wait, and times when you'll have to manage your stamina to keep up with the pack, and times when all you can do is keep those shock paddles humming and your medic pack patching, may not be the most fun thing, but it's better for your team and your squad.

== Part 2, General Tips. ==
''' A. Teamwork. '''

'' 1. Squad Leader. '' When you picked up that kit with the big fat plus on it, you sign your butt over to who ever is wearing the Barret and carries those signal grenades. Stay on your squad leader, his death can hurt your squad a lot, so make sure if he goes down, he gets right back up. Don't be surprised when your Squad Leader turns to you in cover and say "Thanks man, you're a god send.".

'' 2. Squad. '' These guys aren't as important as your Squad Leader, but you need them and they need you. Try to keep them alive and shooting.

'''B. You.'''

'' 1. Combat. '' Stay out of it as much you can, you may be good at fighting, but I've seen so many times that one person was gloating about their skill only to get torn apart in an alley way with a useful kit in his hands. Stay behind cover when your squad is entrenched, they'll thank you more for letting them get the kills and reviving them when they get hit than when you steal their kills and go down with no one to revive you.

''2. Your kit.'' Hold on to it. If you play for 10 minutes, your squad will learn "You = Health!" and if you go and pick up another kit, your squad loses that. Stick with it, even if you can grab a Sniper rifle, tell someone in your squad to grab it. Only swap Medic Kit for Medic Kit. Always switch if you need Shock Paddle charges or Field Dressings, if you don't like the other teams rifle, don't worry, you won't be using it.

== Part 3, Advanced Tactics. ==
'''A. Smoke and Zap.'''

''1. Situation.'' A man from your squad rushes for a better cover position, hoping to free up space where he last was, give the enemy more targets than they can watch, or draw fire away from your main group. On his way over he gets clipped, out in the middle of the open.

''2. Your reaction.'' Get out and throw a smoke Grenade either to your enemy if they are close enough, or just before your fallen squad mate. Tell your squad mate to run to cover when you revive him, then break out the paddles and get to him. Once he's up, pray
he's thinking the the same direction you are and start working your Restoration Magic on him.

''3. Notes'' You may need to confirm with your squad they are okay for you to throw smoke, they may be able to give you covering fire long enough to get the guy up and to cover.

'''B. Heal, Heal, Heal.'''

''1. Situation. '' You and you Squad finished a fire fight and/or you ran into another Squad and know you aren't in any immediate danger.

''2. Your reaction.'' Break out the Medic bag and check everyone. You'd be amazed at how thankful people are when you topping off their health or even checking to make sure they are good. Do this often, I make most of my points doing this, and by having your overall force at full health, your chances of a successful attack increase. They may be able to take 1 more bullet, but that could mean the difference between a cleared bunker and a failed breaching attempt. Heck, do this even if your behind cover and getting shot at, a squad at full health has more guts than a slaughter house and a much better chance to survive.

''3. Notes.'' This is by far the best tactic. You make your self known as a medic so people with injuries will know they have a buddy near by so they will call for you when they are shot. There is no use trying to support a team that doesn't know you're there to support them.

'''C. Manage your dead.'''

''A. Situation.'' You have multiple guys down, it's during or after a fire fight, their clock is ticking and your paddles are humming.

''B. Your reaction.'' Prioritize. If one of them that is down is your Squad leader, hit him first, second is Medic, after that, who ever is closer. With multiple men down, you don't have the time to Medic Bag the first one revived so make sure you tell them what you are doing. Revive one, throw him a Field Dressing, get moving to the next one, on your way tell them "Stay put, I didn't heal you but you should be stable." or something of the kind. After everyone is revived, tell them to come to you or call for a medic so you know who needs it. If someone doesn't come back after one zap, move to the next and hit him later.

''C. Notes'' Make sure they know what you are doing, if they get revived, get a little healed, then see you run off, they might think their fully healed and run off to get themselves killed simply by the shock of a bullet landing near them. If they complain the medic isn't doing his job, make sure you tell him you are healing more than just them and it'd be helpful if they didn't die all the time, then get back to work.

== Part 4, Other ==
''' A. Check. ''' Just because they are critically wounded doesn't mean they can't talk. If you know they were taken down by heavy fire and that the heavy fire may still be waiting for them, ask them if they want to be revived. They got shot, they should know if it's worth risking your life to get them back up. And, they may be dead so you should check with them to make sure it's possible to revive them.

'''B. RECHARGE!''' ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS make sure your shock paddles are recharged. I can't count the number of times I've tried to Zap and Run with no charge. After every revive, make sure the paddles are rubbed and ready.

== Part 5, Closing thoughts. ==
The Medic can be one of the most useful members on a team, but just having a Medic doesn't mean a team is going to do better, the Medic needs to do his job and keep as many people they can alive. If you find you die a lot in combat, switch over to Medic and help those who, like you, aren't the best with a rifle. Plus, most of the time if you react fast enough to a downed team mate, you can catch his killer off guard and take him down. Stick with it, most of the time you should never see the Kit Selection screen unless your squad has a total wipe and have to respawn.
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Old 2007-09-26, 14:15   #5

Originally Posted by [R-MOD]Mongolian_dude View Post
Mong's No.1 Medic Rule

Dont revive spec ops.

They are always 1 shot away from criticaly wounded and so they are just soaking up prescious shock-paddle charges. Besides, SF is teh_ultimate lone wolf class and is very rarely used for what its is there for.
Also, they are also sex obsessed bastards that never comment on how you look and are only intrested in sport and those skinney magazine models and they never say thank you, but worst of all they leave the toilet seat up and never change the toilet role....

Just had to get that off my chest.

Dam you spec ops LOL .
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combat, guide, medic, squad

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