The Civilian
When playing on the Iraqi insurgent, Hamas or Taliban faction, players can choose to play as the Civilian. This role’s primary focus is to gather intelligence on Coalition forces and to run interference for the insurgent Cell Leaders. This kit does not come equipped with any weapons but has a wide variety of equipment and tools. Civilians can use their cellphones to spot enemy troops for their team by placing a marker on the map.

Civilians are bound by particular rules of engagement (ROE), explained below. Coalition forces cannot fire against civilians that are outside the rules of engagement, risking heavy penalizations. Instead they must arrest them or wait untill they're a legit target.
In order for a player to arrest a civilian, it must use the restrainers or the Shotgun with a buckshot round. Civilians that decide to commit suicide are also counted as arrested.
If you shoot a civilian outside the ROE, you will face several penalties:
- After your next death you will respawn 120 seconds later, per civilian shot (stacks up to 5 minutes additional delay)
- You will not be able to request any kits for 10 minutes
- Your score is reduced to 0 and the kill will not be listed on the scoreboard
- Your team loses 10 intelligence points
In the other hand, shooting a civilian inside the ROE will cause:
- The civilian to have an additional 120 seconds in the respawn time
- Your team gains 10 intelligence points
Running over civilians in a vehicle or shooting those climbing on ropes will also result in a penalty if done outside of the ROE.
Rules Of Engagement (ROE)
A civilian is considered inside the ROE and therefore can be killed if any of these conditions are met:
- Spawned...
- Have picked up a kit with a weapon...
- Used a vehicle...
- Used an epipen...
...less than 2 minutes prior to the engagement. Or he must have an armed insurgent next to him, within 5m horizontally or 1.5m vertically.
Becoming a civilian
For you to become a civilian you must first either spawn as a non-armed soldier or to simply drop your kit (Press T and then Right Click on the "REQUEST / DROP KIT" option). Secondly, as mentioned in the previous section, you must wait 2 minutes after you spawn or dropping your kit and stay away from other Insurgents who are outside the ROE.
Civilian vehicles
Non armed-vehicles, including ammo techies and "Fake Garys" (term used for dump or semi-trailer trucks), must not be destroyed by Coalition forces.
A vehicle is considered civilian and therefor cannot be destroyed if:
- Is empty
- Does not have a gun
- Was last used more than 1 minute ago
- Has no enemies nearby (3 meters)
Failing to comply to this ROE will result:
- Loss of 5 intel points for the team
- Loss of 50 points for the player

In the image above, the difference between a normal truck (left and midle) and a suicide truck (right) can be identified by whether it's loaded with explosive barrels and other suspicious objecs or not.