Vehicle Icons

To learn more about them you can visit the PR Icon-to-Assets Index where you can see exactly which vehicles are represented by a given icon.

aav_light aav_medium aav_heavy jep_aa

Anti-Air Vehicles

ahe_heavy_hind ahe_heavy_hind_alt ahe_light_50 ahe_light_hd ahe_light_hf ahe_medium_50 ahe_medium_hd ahe_scout_50 ahe_scout_hd ahe_scout_hf

Attack Helicopters

apc_light apc_medium apc_medium_ box_heavy_mk19 box_light box_medium atm_medium

Armored Personnel Carriers

civ_car civ_car_bomb civ_dirtbike civ_forklift civ_truck civ_truck_bomb civ_truck_semi civ_truck_semi_bomb zastava_supp

Civilian Vehicles

jet_1_attack jet_1_strikefighter jet_2_antiship jet_2_asf jet_2_attack jet_2_strikefighter jet_4_asf jet_4_attack jet_4_strikefighter jet_6_attack jet_7_attack jet_8_attack jet_9_attack

Fixed Wing Aircraft

ifv_light ifv_medium ifv_heavy

Infantry Fighting Vehicles

rec_light rec_medium rec_medium_scorpion


shp_light shp_medium shp_heavy shp_lcvp

Ships and Boats

tnk_light tnk_medium tnk_heavy


tec_ammo tec_rocket tec_spg


the_heavy_chinook the_heavy_osprey the_light the_light_escort the_medium the_medium_escort the_scout

Transport Helicopters

rec_supp trk_supp trk_logi trk_logi_small box_logi tec_logi shp_lcvp_logi zastava_logi

Transport Trucks and Logistical Vehicles

jep_supp jep_atgm jep_mg jep_mk19 jep_rws_mg jep_rws_mk19 tec_50

Light Vehicles